7:00 P.M.

Convened:  6:20 P.M. in Room 310 and recessed on a

roll call vote 10-0 (Patton absent) to meet in

Joint Executive Session with the School Committee


Recessed:  7:12 P.M.


Reconvened in City Council:  7:24 P.M.


1.       INVOCATION – Preacher Patrick McGovern, Jr.

Church of Christ




3.                 ROLL CALL – All present except Councillors Nadeau, Perotto, Patton.  Councillor Nadeau arrived at 7:25 P.M., Councillor Perotto at 8:15 P.M., Councillor Patton was absent




          4 Hearing held


4.       MASSACHUSETTS ELECTRIC COMPANY for conduit and cable systems in:  LEDGECREST DR./BREATRICE DR.


          4a ADOPTED


4a.     Granting permission to MASSACHUSETTS ELECTRIC COMPANY for conduit and cable systems in:  LEDGECREST DR./BEATRICE DR.




5.       Chairman’s Order – From Education Committee – That the City Council hereby supports legislation to allow teachers from Puerto Rico to buy back ten years of time into the Massachusetts Teachers Pension Fund.


          Placed on file


6.       Chairman’s Order – From Education Committee – Request City Manager and School Administration report on whether the ten year buy back into the Massachusetts Teachers Pension Fund might be opened up to other U.S. Territories other than Puerto Rico.


          Placed on file


7.       Resolution – That the City Council of the City of Worcester hereby supports an amendment to MGL Chapter 32, Section 3(4) proposed by Mrs. Mary Genaske, a Worcester Public School teacher to allow teachers from Puerto Rico to buy back into the Mass. Teachers Pension Fund at the same level as other teachers coming from other states in the union.    (Gomez)


Adopted on a roll all 8-0 (Absent Lukes, Patton, Perotto)










9.       Philip J. Niddrie, Chief Development Officer on behalf of the Planning Board request an amendment to the Worcester Zoning Ordinance adopted April 2, 1991 relative to Landscaping Requirements for Parking Lots.




10.     Antonella Fox et al request private street maintenance on Milton St.


11.     Michael Conrad request Public Works to repair or replace sidewalk in front of 4 Sherwood Rd.


12.     Jim Hurley, UNUM/Provident Companies request repair of sidewalk on north side of Sudbury St. (between Harvard St. and Chestnut St.)


13.     Jim Hurley, UNUM/Provident Companies request repair of sidewalk on west side of Harvard St. between Walnut & Sudbury Sts. and   between Parking Lot B driveway and Sudbury St.


14.     Michael Bowie request Public Works to extend the sewer line on Northampton St. by 120 ft. to service building at 22/24 Northampton St.


15.     Councillor Paul P. Clancy, Jr. request Public Works resurface Montrose St.


16.     Samuel DeSimone, Attorney for Liberty Companies request authority to enter into a Prior Agreement with the City of Worcester, through its Department of Public Works, to construct, at its expense, a connector road providing access to and egress from Liberty Central Industrial Park to McKeon Rd.  The construction to be in accordance with standards set by the City of Worcester Department of Public Works.




17.     Louis Coates request handicap parking on Arlington St. across from the rear of 17 Winthrop St.


18.     Richard & Jacqueline Forlani request a Pedestrian Walk Light and a No Turn on Red Light sign at the intersection of Park Ave. and Sagamore Rd.


19.     Herbert Edinburg request extension of one parking space (20 ft.) on the south side of 322 Pleasant St.


20.     Konstantinos Giannakis request the No Parking Anytime zone in front of 297-301 Pleasant St. be changed to 30 minute parking.


21.     Adele Richmond et al request to reinstate the winter parking ban on odd side of Bridgeport St.


22.     Lorraine  Fleming request handicap parking on Earle St. by back door located at 15 Edward St.


23.     Vincent Yess, Lederman’s Bakery request parking at 81-83 Hamilton St. be designated to a time limit of 30 minutes.




24.     Councillor Timothy Murray on behalf of James Yantsides, Owner, Kenmore Diner request City of Worcester enter into an agreement with James Yantsides to allow him and/or his designee to construct and maintain a 6’ landscaped buffer on city-owned land under the jurisdiction of the Off-Street Parking Board and adjacent to the newly constructed diner.


          25  HEARING SET FOR MARCH 6, 2001 – 7:00 P.M.


25.     CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS for a conduit location on: HOPE AVE.




Thomas R. Hoover

City Manager

City Council Calendar for February 27, 2001






A.              Notification of the appointment of Ann L. O’Connor, to the Conservation Commission.


Placed on file


B.      Notification of the appointment of Kate T. Tenney to the Elder Affairs Commission.


          Placed on file




A.               Notification of the appointment of Joan M. Manley, to the Hope Cemetery Board of Commissioners.


Appointment confirmed


B.                Notification of the appointment of Michaelene B. Mundras and the reappointment of Raymond P. Bilodeau and William R. Nay to the Cable Television Advisory Committee.

                Appointment and reappointments confirmed



 3.      AIRPORT:


 4.      ASSESSORS:




  6.     CIVIC CENTER:






A.               Request adoption of an order authorizing the City to accept a deed of easement for street purposes.   (Saffron Dr. & Rainbow Dr.)


          Order adopted


B.                Request adoption of an acceptance of a deed of easement.  (Anchor St.)


          Order adopted


C.               Communication relative to the financial audit for the Worcester Redevelopment Authority (WRA) for the year ended June 30, 2000, conducted by Love, Bollus, Lynch & Rogers, Certified Public Accountants.


Referred to Commerce & Development Committee


D.               Communication relative to the proposed contract with W.B.D.C.



                   Referred to Commerce & Development Committee


E.        Communication relative to Zoning Ordinance Change – Recommended Process.


                Referred to Land Use Committee



A.               Request adoption of the attached resolutions for the Office of Elder Affairs grant applications.


5 Resolutions adopted








13.            FIRE:   


A.      Request that a donation from Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Knight in the amount of $1,000.00 to be used toward the purchase of two 2 ½ inch nozzles be accepted with gratitude. 


          Order adopted with gratitude


B.      Communication relative to Fire Setter Program in the Worcester Public Schools.


Referred to Public Safety Committee


C.      Communication relative to a comprehensive feasibility study for a regional firefighters training facility.


          Referred to Public Safety Committee


14.            HUMAN RESOURCES:


A.      Request City Council adoption of an Ordinance amending the Salary Ordinance of August 20, 1996 Relative to Occupational Group DH.


Tabled under privilege (Clancy)


B.      Communication relative to Increasing Group Term Life Insurance Value from $2,000.00 to $10,000.00.


Referred to Legislative Affairs Committee


C.      Communication relative to Sick Leave Survey.


Referred to Municipal Operations Committee


D.      Communication relative to Benefits to Domestic Partners.


          Placed on file




A.               Communication relative to brochures of “The Human Rights Commission” and “Your Rights If Stopped By The Police”.


          Referred to Public Safety Committee




17.     LAW:


A.               Communication relative to Community Preservation Act.


Referred to Land Use Committee


B.                Communication relative to Integration of Union Station into the City’s ADA Compliance Plan.


          Placed on file


C.               Communication relative to Regulations and Ordinances Relative to Outdoor Advertising.


          Referred to Land Use Committee


D.               Request to file special legislation relative to the Retirement Rights of Leonard Gabrila, a former Traffic Engineer of the City of Worcester.


          Order adopted






A.               Communication relative to Challenge Grant Program through LLEBG, Crime Watch Groups mailing applications for Block Grant Monies, and Crime Watch Groups – leveraging of private dollars.


Referred to Community Development Committee


B.                Communication relative to FY01 Firefighter Safety Equipment Program Award.


          Placed on file


C.               Request adoption of a Resolution to file and accept a one year Disproportionate Minority Confinement Challenge Grant from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety.


          Resolution adopted




A.               Request adoption of a Resolution to accept with gratitude a donation of $40,000.00 from NSTAR Services Co. to benefit the Parks, Recreation, and Cemetery Department’s Elm Park Playground.


Resolution adopted with gratitude


B.                Communication relative to 2001 March Madness Basketball Tournament.


          Placed on file


C.               Communication relative to Status Report – Research and Recommendation Relative to the Proposal to Sell the Naming Rights to the Centrum Centre.


Referred to Public Works Committee


21.     POLICE:


A.               Communication relative to Promotion/Affirmative Action


Order adopted




A.               Communication relative to Community Health Program, Monthly Report – January 2001.


          Referred to Health Committee


B.                Communication relative to Chemical Ordors, Burncoat/Ararat Street.


Placed on file


C.               Communication relative to Body Art Regulations for the City of Worcester.


Referred to Health Committee


D.               Communication relative to School Nurse Staffing.


          Recommitted to the City Manager




A.               Request City Council accept $453.00 that was raised from the World Smile Day celebration that was held on October 6, 2000.


          Order adopted with gratitude


24.            PUBLIC SCHOOLS:


A.               Communication relative to what handicapped accessibility issues have to be addressed at the various public school buildings.


Placed on file


B.                Communication relative to Pension Fund Buyback.


Placed on file


C.               Communication relative to the implementation of the ADA Compliance Plan in the facilities occupied by the public schools.


          Placed on file


D.               Request for a joint  Executive Session on Tuesday, February 27, 2001, with the City Council and the School Committee to discuss matters of litigation.


          Placed on file




          A.      Communication relative to Curtis Apartments Revitalization.


          Referred to Public Works Committee


          B.      Communication relative to Street Name Sign (PWED ROAD).


          Referred to Public Works Committee


C.               Communication relative to Innovative Wheelchair Ramp Design.


          Referred to Public Works Committee


D.               Communication relative to Sewer Easement on May Street next to the Big Y.


          Placed on file


E.                Communication relative to Route 146 Access Roadway Impact Potential Delay to the Route 20 Project.


          Placed on file


F.                Communication relative to Left Turn Arrows – Intersection of Granite Street and Sunderland Road.


          Placed on file


G.               Communication relative to Improving Signage on Lincoln Street.


          Placed on file


H.               Communication relative to Pothole Patching.


          Placed on file


I.                   Communication relative to Improvements to the Intersection of Moreland Street – Carter Road and Brigham Road.


          Placed on file


J.                  Communication relative to Parking Problems and Lack of Parking on Shrewsbury.


          Referred to Traffic & Parking Committee


K.               Communication  relative to a final review of the Washington Square reconfiguration as performed by the engineering consultant URS Corporation.


          Referred to Traffic & Parking Committee




27.     TREASURY:




A.               Communication relative to adding the name of P.F.C. Henry R. Birtz to the plaque of his brother Louis located at Hamilton Street and Coburn Avenue.


Referred to Military Affairs Committee


29.     FINANCE:


A.     Recommend that Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00) be transferred from Account #91C713, Water Mains, and appropriated to Account #45C720, Water Mains, to provide funds for the  purpose of payment for contractual obligations related to various Water Main projects, as approved in the Capitol Improvement Program.


          Order adopted on a roll call 9-0 (Murray, Patton absent)


B.      Recommend that Twenty Two Thousand Seven Hundred Sixty Seven Dollars and Fifty Seven Cents ($22,767.57) be transferred from Account #330-07,  Reserve for Appropriation Damage Settlement, and appropriated to Account #250-92000, Police Department Ordinary Maintenance, to provide funds for the repair of damaged vehicles. These funds represent reimbursements from Insurance Companies for damage to Police vehicles.


          Order adopted on a roll call 9-0 (Murray, Patton absent)


C.      Recommend that Fifty Four Thousand Nine Hundred Eighty Seven Dollars and Twelve Cents ($54, 987.12) be transferred from Account #560-91000, Regional Library Salaries, to Account #560-92000, Regional Library Ordinary Maintenance. These funds are available from 2 vacant positions that have not been filled during the course of the fiscal year.


          Order adopted on a roll call 9-0 (Murray, Patton absent)


D.      Recommend that an additional One Hundred Seventeen Thousand Five Hundred Seventy Two Dollars ($117, 572.00) be accepted from the Legislature of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to increase funding  in FY 2001 for the Worcester Public Library’s Talking Book Library, which will increase services to the Blind and Disabled people in Central Massachusetts who are eligible for this specialized service, bringing the total funding to $342,550.00. This money will be used to fund a Graduate Librarian II position for the Talking Book Library and purchase additional books.


          Order adopted on a roll call 9-0 (Murray, Patton absent)


E.      Recommend that Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00) be transferred from Account #91C745, Sewer Reconstruction, and appropriated to Account #44C744, Sewer Reconstruction, to provide funds for the purpose of payment for contractual obligations related to various Sewer Reconstruction projects, as approved in the Capital Improvement Program.


          Order adopted on a roll call 9-0 (Murray, Patton absent)


F.      Recommend that Thirteen Thousand Three Hundred Sixteen Dollars and Twenty Eight Cents ($13,316.28) be transferred from Account #900-92000, City Manager’s Contingency Account, and appropriated to Account #122-92000, Law Department’s Property & Casualty Insurance account. These funds will be used to pay various FY01 insurance bills over and above the amounts that were originally budgeted.


          Order adopted on a roll call 9-0 (Murray, Patton absent)


G.               Recommend that Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00) be transferred, from and to the following accounts to provide matching funds for improvements to be made at Elm Park. 


          FROM       DESCRIPTION                               AMOUNT

                   14S42616    Parks Improvements                           $  8,406.24

                   14S40220    Worc.Housing Improvements                      52.17

                   14S41520    Teen Access Center                               2,000.00

                   14S42620    Parks Improvements                                  327.55

                   14S47620    So.Worc.Neighborhood Ctr.                19,005.48

                   14S48520    Code Enforcement                                    208.56

                                                                             Total            $30,000.00

                   and be appropriated to:

                   14S42616    Parks Improvements                           $   8,406.24

                   14S42620    Parks Improvements                              21,593.76

                                                                             Total           $  30,000.00


This funding will be used in concert with the generous financial assistance provided by Nstar Services Company for this project as reported by Michael V. O’Brien, Commissioner of Parks and Recreation.  This funding was generated from a reimbursement made to the city by the Boston Land trust back in 1995 for land acquisition & site work completed at Lakeview Park.


          Order adopted on a roll call 9-0 (Murray, Patton absent)


H.               Recommend that Five Thousand Six Hundred Eighty Three Dollars and Ninety Six Cents ($5,683.96) be transferred when and as received from Account #91C780, Capital Equipment, and appropriated to Account #41C703, DPW Department Capital Equipment to purchase (5) Gas Analyzers and Computer Software/Licenses as approved in the Capital Improvement Program.


          Order adopted on a roll call 9-0 (Murray, Patton absent)


I.        Recommend that Four Thousand Three Hundred Eighteen Dollars and Fifty Cents ($4,318.50) be transferred when and as received from Account #91C780, Capital Equipment, and appropriated to Account #40C704, Signal Installation for the purchase of various signal installation equipment for Traffic Engineering, as approved in the Capital Improvement Program.


          Order adopted on a roll call 9-0 (Murray, Patton absent)


J.       Recommend that Six Hundred Twelve Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($612,500.00) be transferred from Account #91C711, Building Rehabilitation, and appropriated to Account #75C702, Civic Center Rehabilitation, to provide funds for the purpose of payment for contractual obligations associated with the seat replacement and riser repairs at the Centrum Centre.


          Order adopted on a roll call 9-0 (Murray, Patton absent)


K.               Recommend that Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00) be transferred from Account #91C711, Building Rehabilitation, and appropriated to Account #75C705, Hope Cemetery Administration Building, to provide funds for the purpose of payment for contractual obligations associated with the construction of Hope Cemetery Administration Building.


          Order adopted on a roll call 9-0 (Murray, Patton absent)


L.       Recommend that Twenty Eight Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty Three Dollars ($28,863.00) be transferred from Account #91C781, City Wide Computer System, and appropriated to Account #680-92000, Information Services Ordinary Maintenance, to provide funds for the purpose of conducting a city-wide Geographic Information Services (GIS)  assessment.  This funding is the balance of monies available from the original City Wide Management Information System project. Also, recommend that Thirty Four Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars ($34,800.00) be transferred from Account #140-91000 O.P.C.D. Personal Services and transferred into Account #680-91000 Information Services Personal Services Account to provide the tax levy funding for the two positions that are now assigned to the Information Services Department to implement.


          Order adopted on a roll call 9-0 (Murray, Patton absent)




A.               Communication relative to the implementation status of the recommendations made by the Community Task Force on Vacant and Abandoned Buildings.


          Referred to Public Safety Committee


B.                Communication relative to Potential Cost relative to accepting Chapter 235 of the Acts of 1994.


Referred to Municipal Operations Committee


C.       Communication relative to our continuing efforts to promote our All-America City status.



Placed on file




27.     Request City Manager report on the decision to not place a polling location within Great Brook Valley and Curtis Apartments until 2003.

          (Gomez, Irish, Nadeau, Patton, Clancy, Perotto, Murray, Petty)




28.     Request Administration to appoint a task force including public safety, Neighborhood Cabinet, academic health science, public and community health and Worcester School Department representatives to make recommendations within twelve months as to how the rates of HIV, AIDS and Hepatitis C can be reduced in the city through improved education and prevention programs and access to treatment services enhanced.  (Irish, Murray, Patton, Perotto, Abraham, Nadeau, Clancy, Petty, Mariano, Gomez, Lukes)




29.             Request that the master plan study for Worcester Airport include the impact of noise on the surrounding neighborhood and noise abatement strategies.   (Mariano, Abraham, Clancy, Gomez, Lukes, Murray, Nadeau, Patton, Perotto, Petty)


Mayor Mariano moved to amend to add Councillor Irish – Order adopted, as amended


30.     Request Administration report to City Council concerning the current process used to evaluate the attainment of goals and objectives of those organizations receiving Community Development Block Grant funds, and review whether any improvements can be made to said process.  (Murray, Petty)


Councillor Clancy moved to amend to request an explanation from Administration as to how they currently conduct the evaluation process


Councillor Petty moved to amend that report include Law Enforcement Block Grant monies


Order adopted, as amended


31.     Request Administration and Superintendent of the Worcester Public Schools to collaborate in the interest of public safety of our students to: a) Identify sources of funding to install flashing caution lights in all existing school zones across the city where flashing lights do not currently exist.  b)  Include in every capital project involving new school construction a line item for installation of flashing caution lights.    (Abraham, Patton)




32.     Request Administration explore regional planning approaches that would limit urban sprawl by discouraging the development of green space (e.g. through surtaxes, etc.) and offering further incentives to the development of Brownfields.   (Irish, Petty)




33.     Request City Manager report to City Council on the cable television rates charged in communities across Central Massachusetts and in the cities of Boston and Springfield.   (Petty, Irish)




34.     Request City Manager provide City Council with a status report on open space projects funded by the City of Worcester over the past four years as well as those intended for future funding.  (Petty, Murray)




35.     Request City Manager report to City Council regarding how the decision by the Department of Environmental Protection judge affects the Vocational High School accreditation.   (Petty, Murray)


          Held to be Second Item of Business March 6, 2001


36.     Request City Manager report to City Council on all costs incurred, both directly and indirectly, in relation to the siting of the Vocational High School at Bell Hill, including staff time, legal fees and public school costs.   (Petty, Murray)


Held to be Second Item of Business March 6, 2001


37.     Request City Administration provide City Council with a status report on any construction within the Airport Environs Overlay and what city agencies oversee the implementation of these ordinances.(Nadeau, Lukes)




38.     Request City Manager contact Mass. Highway Department concerning all the lights being out on I-290.  Further, request total number of accidents as a result of lights being out.  (Nadeau, Murray)




39.     Request City Manager to provide a report concerning options for the proposed Vocational School at the Bell Hill site.   (Perotto)


Held to be Second Item of Business March 6, 2001


40.     Request Administration to report on the status of compliance by tow truck operators regarding accepting credit card payments from motor vehicle owners whose vehicles have been towed.   (Lukes)




41.     Request Administration to report on what type of notice is given by tow truck operators to the general public regarding the acceptance of credit card payments.    (Lukes)




42.     Request Administration report on the feasibility of allowing downtown office space to be used for residential purposes and the provision of incentives to downtown property owners who convert office space to residential use.   (Lukes)




43.     Request Administration to develop a comprehensive plan regarding the “greening” of the city including, but not limited to a review of the parking lot landscaping ordinance and cluster housing zoning, reclamation of tax title parcels, placement of temporary plantings, tree plantings and park land use.   (Lukes)




43a.   Request Administration report as to what percentage raise the City Clerk and City Auditor would have received under the old DH schedule.   Motion-Nadeau @ #14A CM – Adopted


43b.   Request Administration report if the bonding on borrowing under the Community Preservation Act be inside or outside the debt service.   Motion-Perotto @ #17A CM – Adopted


43c.   Request City Manager to include Union Station in the ADA Compliance Plan.  Motion-Mariano @ #17B CM – Adopted


43d.   Request City Manager provide an analysis of the last six months as to staffing levels on each of the shifts at the Worcester Police Department with particular emphasis on the weekends.  Motion-Mariano @ #21A CM – Adopted


43e.   Request City Manager consider adding to the Police class that he intends to start, at least by two and to address the issues of the shortcoming of the two patrol officers that will be occurring.  Motion-Clancy @ #21A CM – Adopted


43f.    Request City Manager report as to any staffing issues on the third shift of the Police Department.   Motion-Clancy @ #21A CM – Adopted


43g.   Request City Manager report as to any staffing shortages that will be created as a result of the promotion of two Police Officers to Sergeant.  Motion-Petty @ #21A CM – Adopted


43h.   Request Administration provide a comprehensive report within two weeks relative to recruitment strategies for School Nurses.  Motion-Mariano @ #22D CM – Adopted


43i.    Request Administration provide a report indicating who is certified and who is certifiable relative to School Nurses.  Motion-Lukes @ #22D CM – Adopted


43j.    Request Administration to clarify if the left turn from Route 20 onto Granite St. will be permanent.  Motion-Clancy @ #25F CM – Adopted


43k.   Request Commissioner of Public Works to consider some type of lineage in the area of the intersection of Moreland St.-Carter Rd. and Brigham Rd.   Motion-Abraham @ #25I CM – Adopted


43L.   Request City Manager report if Chapter 235 of the Acts of 1994 is subject to collective bargaining.  Motion-Irish @ #30B CM – Adopted


43m.  Request School Committee consider placing All-America City signs in the inside foyers of the Worcester Public Schools.  Motion-Clancy @ #30C CM – Adopted


43n.   Request Administration to begin conversations with the owners of the Ice Cats and St. Louis Blues to insure that with any transfer of ownership the Ice Cats remain in the City of Worcester and have their home games at the Centrum.   Mariano – Suspension of Rules – Adopted


43o.   Request Administration to recommend a plan to address funding for private street repair.  Petty – Suspension of Rules – Adopted


43p.   Request Administration to clean up the City owned lot on Abbott St.  Abraham – Suspension of Rules – Adopted


43q.   Request Administration report why the only street light on Shady Brook Lane has been turned off by Mass. Electric.  Abraham – Suspension of Rules - Adopted




44.     James DelSignore, City Auditor transmitting computation of the legal debt margin for the City of Worcester as of January 31, 2001.


Referred to Municipal Operations Committee


45.     James DelSignore, City Auditor transmitting Auditors Report – January 31, 2001.


          Referred to Municipal Operations Committee


46.     James DelSignore, City Auditor transmitting communication relative to the Noncontributory Pop Up Act.


          Referred to Municipal Operations Committee




47.     That the Worcester City Council support the designation of the soon to be configured Providence St., McKeon Road intersection as Firefighters Square.   (Clancy, Nadeau)


Adopted on a roll call 10-0 (Patton absent) subject to review by Administration as to any other plans


48.     That the Worcester City Council hereby designates land located at the southeast corner of a reconfigured Washington Square as the preferred location for the construction of the Central Massachusetts Korean War Veterans Monument.     (Murray)


          Adopted on a roll call 10-0 (Patton absent)


48a.   That the Worcester City Council go on record requesting the Election Commission to take whatever steps are necessary to insure that the polling site for Ward 2, Precinct 5 goes back into Great Brook Valley prior to the next election.   Motion-Gomez @ #27CC – Tabled


48b.   That the Worcester City Council recognizes Sacha Ashton, a senior at Worcester State College for having become the latest Worcester State College basketball player to reach the 1,000 point mark.  Gomez – Suspension of Rules – Adopted on a roll call 10-0 (Patton absent)


49.     RECESS TO FINANCE & ORDINANCE:  No Action Taken



          a)       #5A CM   January 23, 2001

Communication of the City Manager transmitting communication relative to the City Manager’s Contingency Account.


          b)      #24E CM   January 23, 2001

Communication of the City Manager transmitting communication relative to Snow Deficit FY2001.




          50 ADOPTED ON A ROLL CALL 10-0 (Patton absent)


50.     That the sum of Twenty Million Dollars ($20,000,000.00) be appropriated to Account #91C790, School Construction for the purpose of constructing, originally equipping and furnishing of Forest Grove Middle School, including costs incidental and related thereto.




          51-53 ORDAINED ON A ROLL CALL 10-0 (Patton absent)


51.     Amending Chapter 12 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 relative to Sidewalk Snow Removal.


52.     Amending Chapter 9 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 by inserting a new Section 14 relative to Vacant and Abandoned Buildings.


53.     Amending the Salary Ordinance of August 20, 1996 relative to Occupational Group DH – Department Heads – Administrator Neighborhood Services, Director of Economic Development, Assistant City Manager for Neighborhood Services – Legislative    Affairs, Director of Project Management.


Amending Part II of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 establishing  an Executive Office of Economic Development, establishing an Executive Office of Neighborhood Services, eliminating the Office of Planning and Community Development and amending the Organizational Ordinances of the Information Services Department and the Planning Board.


TABLED ITEMS – No Action Taken


54.     REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Upon the Order of Councillor Paul P. Clancy, Jr. requesting approval of the attached Ordinance amending the Worcester Zoning Ordinance adopted April 2, 1991 relative to Non-Accessory Signs.    (Tabled May 30, 2000)


55.     Order – Request Rules Committee to review the procedure used by City Council for election of individuals to the Library Board of Trustees.  (Abraham)   (Tabled December 29, 2000)




FEBRUARY 26, 2001              RULES &                 COUNCIL CHAMBER

       4:00 P.M.                     REGULATIONS


MARCH 8, 2001              YOUTH, PARKS &



6:00 P.M. – View – Parks Department Building, 50 Skyline Dr.

6:30 P.M. – Meeting in Meeting Room B



       6:00 P.M.