7:00 P.M.


                                                           Convened:  7:11 P.M.

                                                          Adjourned:  9:08 P.M.



1.          INVOCATION - Rev. Aaron Payson

                                       Unitarian Universalist Church of Worcester




3.          ROLL CALL - All present except Councillor Perotto


Mayor Mariano recognized the Greendale Flag Football League for their neighborhood clean-up efforts on the weekend of October 21st.  Derek Barton, 43 Ridgewood Rd. spoke.












6.          Stephen Oles et al request private street maintenance on Bird St.




7.          Mayor Raymond V. Mariano on behalf of William Akasten request to install speed bumps on Crowningshield Rd.


7a.          Councillors Timothy Murray & Stephen Abraham on behalf of Raera Heppenstall-Schaffer request 15 minute parking only between St. Elmo Rd. and 806 Pleasant St. (even side)  Referred to Traffic & Parking Committee - Suspension of Rules


7b.          Councillors Timothy Murray & Paul P. Clancy, Jr. on behalf of Albert Bercume request handicapped parking in front of 78 Pilgrim Ave.  Referred to Traffic & Parking Committee - Suspension of Rules


7c.          Councillors Timothy Murray, Stephen Abraham & Stephen Patton on behalf of Deb Levinson request City Administration study the feasibility of a signalized crosswalk on Grove St. near Northworks building.  Referred to the City Manager - Suspension of Rules




          8-11 FROM EDUCATION - Adopted


8.          Request the Superintendent of the Worcester Public Schools to provide City Council with the report of the Accreditation Review Committee based on the October 2, 2000 site visit to the Wheaton Square campus.


9.          Request City Manager report to City Council on actions taken to date regarding safety concerns at the now vacant Belmont Home facilities.


10.          Request City Manager to provide City Council with a detailed update on the construction at the Main Library.


11.          Request City Manager to provide City Council with a map and status report of the Coal Mine Brook property.



                     REVITALIZATION - Adopted


12.          Request City Manager to provide a report on the number of full time college students at each college located in Worcester not having their primary residence address in Worcester County.


13.          Request City Manager to provide a report on the status of the Bancroft Building at 50 Franklin St. regarding plans for renovation and displacement of the current tenants. 


14.          Request City Manager to provide a report relative to increasing the stock of affordable housing and Hope Six housing in Worcester.





          15-19 FROM MILITARY AFFAIRS - Adopted - 15 Amended


15.          Request Parks Commissioner to relocate the newly constructed guard rail obstructing the view of the Birtz Square memorial located at Hamilton St. and Coburn Ave.  Amended to read: Request relocation of either the newly constructed guard rail or the Birtz Sq. memorial located at Hamilton St. and Coburn Ave. as determined by the City Administration.


16.          Request Parks Commissioner to present the various plans for redesign of the Worcester Common to the Military Affairs Committee and veterans and other groups interested in the redesign/reuse of this open space.


17.          Request Parks Commissioner and the Veterans' Agent report to City Council within two weeks concerning the costs and timetable for the raising of the World War II plaque on the Common.


18.          Request City Manager to consider adding a veteran to the Center City Development Committee's Beautification Sub-committee.


19.          Request the Veterans' Agent to review the location of DeBois Square at the intersection of Englewood Ave. and Circuit Ave. North and recommend a more appropriate and visible location.


          20-26 FROM PUBLIC SAFETY - Adopted


20.          Request Director of the Human Resources Department report to City Council any and all regulations promulgated by the Massachusetts Human Resources Department concerning the implementation of Chapter 242 of the Acts of 2000.


21.          Request City Manager to make a recommendation to City Council concerning the local option statute passed by the Great and General Court on August 10, 2000, Chapter 242 of the Acts of 2000.


22.          Request City Manager to update the City Council on adoption of legislation regarding Police and Fire Age Limitation.


23.          Request City Manager report to City Council on plans for the next fire class.


24.          Request Fire Chief report to City Council the cost benefits of installation of sprinklers in dormitories.


25.          Request Fire Chief report to City Council which Massachusetts communities have installed defibrillators in public buildings and any training programs that have been implemented in conjunction with the installation of these machines.


26.          Request City Manager to update City Council on plans for putting defibrillators in public buildings, including any training that he recommends be given with installations of machinery.


          27 & 28 FROM PUBLIC WORKS - Adopted


27.          Request City Council to consider changing the two week status report on street resurfacing projects to a monthly report.


28.          Request City Manager to develop a 5 year plan which will abate the $4.3 million backlog of sidewalk repair.


          29-42 FROM TRAFFIC & PARKING - Adopted


29.          Request the Director of Traffic Engineering to install Thickly Settled with 30 MPH attached sign in Hurley Square.


30.          Request Director of Traffic Engineering to conduct traffic counts, further to enforce speeding ordinances in Crowningshield Rd., especially at the time of school dismissal.


31.          Request Health and Code Department to report if 16-18 Crystal St. is in compliance with all city codes, including any off-street parking requirements.


32.          Request Police Chief to enforce speeding ordinances on Millbury St. in the vicinity of Quinsigamond School and parking ordinances between 846 and 894 Millbury St.


33.          Request Police Chief to enforce speeding ordinances on Crystal St. next to University Park.


34.          Request the Director of Traffic Engineering to install "No Parking Here to Corner" sign on the west side of McKeon Rd. from Riverside St. to 12 McKeon Rd.


35.          Request Police Chief to provide enforcement of parking restrictions on McKeon Rd. between Cambridge and Riverside Sts.


36.          Request Police Chief to enforce speeding ordinances for traffic on Sunderland Rd. near the new Roosevelt School.


37.          Request Director of Traffic Engineering to install additional signage on Denny St. to better inform the public of existing parking ordinances.


38.          Request Police Chief to enforce parking ordinances on Denny St.


39.          Request Director of Traffic Engineering to consider installation of pedestrian safety posts and signs at the crosswalk on Main St. at the Marble St. Apartments.


40.          Request the Director of Traffic Engineering install additional traffic control signage and pedestrian crossing signage on Crystal St. to better guard the safety of pedestrians.


41.          Request the Director of Traffic Engineering to consider areas near city parks and schools for installation of speed humps.


42.          Request the Director of Traffic Engineering to install a Passenger Zone in front of 8-10 Hudson St.




                    Adopted - Suspension of Rules


42a.          Request the Commissioner of Public Works to contact municipal officials in Brattleboro, Vermont to ascertain their experience with implementing roundabout traffic configurations in their city.


42b.          Request the Commissioner of Public Works report to City Council concerning expending funds to study the feasibility of implementing a roundabout traffic pattern in Washington Square in place of a four-way intersection and include information as to the source and amount of funding for such a study.


42c.          Request Administration report to City Council the consequences that might result if the traffic study of Washington Square is not completed within 60 days.  Further request Administration report to Council every 30 days concerning progress on the design phase of Washington Square and ancillary issues.




43.          Request Administration consider the feasibility of contracting out for economic development services for project-specific initiatives.

                                                (Murray, Perotto, Irish, Abraham, Petty)

Councillors Patton, Gomez, Clancy & Lukes were added - Adopted


44.          Request Administration to consider abolishing the Worcester Redevelopment Authority.    (Lukes)


Denied on a roll call 2-9


Yes:  Abraham, Lukes

No:   Clancy, Gomez, Irish, Murray, Nadeau, Patton, Perotto, Petty,



45.          Request Administration report on any complaints and issues of access to polls on election day, November 7th.   (Lukes)




46.          Request Administration report on the legality of allowing all employees of the City to add time spent in a laid-off status in the calculation of their pension benefits as long as the employee pays into the retirement system an amount equal to the accumulated regular deductions otherwise payable by them plus interest which is consistent with the provisions of Chapter 235 of the Acts of 1994.  




47.          Pending completion of a more comprehensive development strategy, request Administration to promote heightened pedestrian activity on and near the Worcester City Hall beginning in mid to late Spring 2001 as follows:  1) Develop and promulgate a public request-for-proposals inviting bids for street performers/entertainers, vendors of hard and soft goods, and the operation of one or more outside dining establishments (i.e. a "cafĂ©" serving sandwiches, coffee, tea and deserts, beer and wine, etc.)  Contract awards should favor existing downtown merchants, restaurants, etc. wherever possible and "one stop" permitting/licensing of all these activities should be the rule.  2) Invite and facilitate the operation of a DAILY farmer's market.  3) Permanently station Park's Department "Rangers" on the Common with walking patrol routes and full communication capabilities.

                                                                                    (Irish, Perotto)


Councillor Irish moved to amend to include area around the Worcester

Public Library - Adopted, as amended


48.          Request City Manager to provide a comprehensive report regarding unclaimed check funds.   (Petty)




 49.          Request City Administration to consider development of low interest loan pool for Brownfield reclamation in conjunction with local banking representatives.    (Murray)


Councillor Nadeau moved to amend: Further, request City Manager

look into funding for individuals or industry to buy properties and

demolish buildings that are not usable.


Councillor Patton moved to amend: Further, request City Manager to

look at the Community Reinvestment Act and report on the legal

responsibility and how local banks have met that obligation recently.


Adopted, as amended


50.          Request City Manager to conduct a meeting with the business community to prepare and submit benchmarks to be achieved over the next year to identify the progress through new commercial investment and new jobs to be reviewed by the City Council and monitored over the next year.  These benchmarks should be quantifiable and easily monitored so progress reports can be submitted to the Commerce and Development Committee during the next calendar year.   (Petty)


Councillors Patton & Irish added - Adopted


51.          Request Administration report on the process required to change the statutory basis of tax classification so as to eliminate the option of tax classification.    (Lukes)




52.          Request Administration report on the status of capital repairs to the GAR building.  (Lukes)




53.          Request City Council, through its Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization Committee, to consider recommendations in current statutes to alleviate burdens of home ownership so as to deal with the housing crisis.   (Lukes)


Denied on a roll call 3-8


Yes:  Abraham, Lukes, Nadeau

No:   Clancy, Gomez, Irish, Murray, Patton, Perotto, Petty, Mariano


54.          Request City Administration to hold a public forum concerning proposed designs for the Worcester Common.   (Murray, Perotto)


Councillor Petty added - Adopted


54a.          Request City Manager report as to what funds are dedicated to the Worcester Redevelopment Authority and what funds the City Manager intends to dedicate to the Worcester Redevelopment Authority.  Further, request City Manager to inform City Council why the Worcester Redevelopment Authority is needed, what function the Worcester Redevelopment Authority is going to serve, if it is going to continue to exist.   Motion-Lukes @ #44CC - Adopted


54b.          Request City Manager to respond to City Council as to what he perceives as the functions and duties of the Worcester Redevelopment Authority over the next coming years as he intends to hire a new Economic Development Director and what lead he would give that person in that role.  Motion-Clancy @ #44CC - Adopted


54c.          Request City Manager to establish benchmarks for the Worcester Redevelopment Authority and report to City Council, including how many private an public dollars are going to be invested.  Motion-Lukes @ #44CC - Adopted


54d.          Request Election Commission to consider Broad Meadow Brook as the polling location for Ward 5, Precinct 5 and to relocate other two precincts to Worcester East Middle School by dividing up the gymnasium.   Motion-Clancy @ #45CC - Adopted


54e.          Request City Manager refer to City Council the original design for the rehabilitation of the front, rear and side of City Hall so that it can be referred to the Youth, Parks & Recreation Committee so that the Committee could conduct a public hearing in order to get public input on the project.    Motion-Clancy @ #54CC - Adopted


54f.          Request City Manager to provide City Council with a timetable for the 26 recommendations in the report from the Abandoned Building Task Force, specifically securing of buildings, whether they are vacant or abandoned.  Motion-Petty @ #59CC - Adopted


54g.          Request City Manager to provide City Council with a full action plan, including timelines for drafting of legislation, any recommendations necessary and a completion date for each of the recommendations in the Abandoned Buildings Task Force report.   Motion-Petty @ #59CC - Adopted


54h.          Request City Solicitor to draft Ordinance change language in order to implement the recommendations in the Abandoned Building Task Force report.  Motion-Petty @ #59CC - Adopted


54i.          Request City Manager to request the Fire Chief to review any streets that are particularly narrow and would not accommodate parking on both sides once plowed, based on the article in the newspaper on a fire that mentioned that it was difficult for some of the fire trucks to get down the street because cars were parked on both sides of the street and report back to City Council as to how the winter parking ban will affect fire and emergency apparatus having access to those streets.  Motion-Clancy @ #60CC - Adopted


54j.          Request City Manager report on what the 20% cap in CDBG funds for planning and administration actually translates to in terms of dollars.  Further, the report from the City Manager on November 28, 2000 indicates that 90% of those funds have benefited low and moderate income populations; request report on what the other 10% has been used for.    Motion-Lukes @ #180CC - Adopted


54k.          Request City Manager report if we are at the 20% cap in CDBG funds for planning and administration.  Further if the funding for Phase II of the housing needs analysis to be performed by the Worcester Community Housing Resources, Inc. needs to come out of the 20% for planning ad administration.   Motion-Nadeau @ #180CC - Adopted


54L.          Request City Manager to update City Council on the status of the overlay zone for the Heritage Park Corridor for billboards.   Motion-Clancy @ #182CC - Adopted


54m.          Request Administration to furnish data allowing a comparison between the City of Worcester health status indicator and those of Worcester County and the Commonwealth of Mass. as described in the July 2000 "Community Health Status Report" as issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration.  (See  Irish, Perotto - Suspension of Rules - Tabled one week under privilege at the request of Councillor Lukes


54n.          Request Administration review the recently released MBTA's FY 01-06 capital investment plan to determine whether Worcester's commuter rail needs will be met, particularly in terms of vehicles and stations, and furnish a written report.   Irish, Murray - Suspension of Rules - Adoped


54o.          Request City Manager report on usage of each airline at the Worcester Regional Airport and an update on progress in attracting other airlines to the Airport.  Petty - Suspension of Rules - Adopted


54p.          Request City Manager to enforce any Ordinances regarding the placing of private signs on City property.   Petty - Suspension of Rules - Adopted


54q.          Request City Manager to provide a report on providing pedestrian safety for the residents of 20 Benson Ave.  Petty - Suspension of Rules - Adopted


54r.          Request City Manager report on what other communities have adopted the statute that allows public safety employees to add time spent in a laid-off status in the calculation of their pension and what it would cost the City if adopted. Further, what it would cost the City for all employees.   Motion-Lukes @ #46CC - Adopted


          55-57 ADOPTED













58.          Thomas R. Hoover, City Manager transmitting communication relative to an interim report regarding Washington Square.


Placed on file - Michael Galvin, 42 Standish St. spoke


59.          Thomas R. Hoover, City Manager transmitting communication relative to the report from the Abandoned Building Task Force.


Referred to Public Safety Committee


60.          Thomas R. Hoover, City Manager transmitting communication relative to the winter parking ban.


Referred to Traffic & Parking Committee


61.          Central Mass. Regional Planning Commission transmitting Annual Report - Fiscal Year 2000.


Placed on file


62.     James DelSignore, City Auditor transmitting Auditors Report - October 31, 2000.


Referred to Municipal Operations Committee


62a.          Thomas R. Hoover, City Manager transmitting communication relative to Re-appropriation of $10,000.00 in CDBG accounts to WCHR, Inc. to fund housing analysis.


Placed on file - Suspension of Rules




62b.   That the Worcester City Council requests that an additional public hearing be scheduled in the City of Worcester on the MBTA's FY 01-06 Capital Investment Program.   Irish, Murray - Suspension of Rules - Adopted


63.          RECESS TO FINANCE AND ORDINANCE:  No Items Pending






          63a & b ACCEPTED - Suspension of Rules


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE AND DEVELOPMENT Upon the following Communications of the City Manager: recommend Communications be placed on file.


          Transmitting communication relative to Meetings and Correspondence relative to Washington Square Project.


          Transmitting communication relative to Washington Square Update.


          64-78 ACCEPTED


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION Upon the following Communications of the City Manager: recommend Communications be placed on file.


64.          Transmitting communication relative to progress report on the Worcester Vocational High School.


65.          Transmitting communication relative to accreditation status of the Worcester Vocational High School.


66.          Transmitting communication relative to Worcester Vocational High School.


67.          Transmitting communication relative to Worcester Vocational High School.


68.          Transmitting communication relative to a progress report on the Worcester Vocational High School.


69.          Transmitting communication relative to a progress report on the Worcester Vocational High School.


70.          Transmitting communication relative to a progress report on the Worcester Vocational High School.


71.          Transmitting communication relative to Temporary Library Facility Improvements.


72.          Transmitting communication relative to Safety of Historically Valuable Documents.


73.          Transmitting communication relative to Coal Mine Brook Property.


74.          Transmitting communication relative to Heating System for Temporary Library Facility.


75.          Transmitting communication relative to Worcester Vocational High School Wetlands Case - Post Hearing Brief.


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION Upon the following Communications of Helen A. Friel, Assistant to the Superintendent/Clerk of the School Committee: recommend Communications be placed on file.


76.          Transmitting communication relative to the 1998 Annual Report of the Worcester Public Schools.


77.          Transmitting communication relative to the presentation of the Precision Machining Institute of Central Mass. concerning its future relationship with the programs offered by the Worcester Technical Institute.


78.          Transmitting communication relative to applying for a grant from the U.S. Department of Education for improvement of postsecondary education.


          79 & 80 ACCEPTED & ORDERS ADOPTED


79.          REPORT  OF THE COMMITTEE ON HOUSING AND NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION Upon the Communication of the City Manager transmitting communication relative to the Housing Summit: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order requesting the City Manager to review the attached commentary in developing the final draft of the Housing Policy of the City of Worcester and further, that the final draft document be returned to City Council for review and comment.


80.          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON MILITARY AFFAIRS Upon the Petition of Richard O. Dion requesting to add the name of P.F.C. Henry R. Birtz to the plaque of his brother Louis located at Hamilton St. and Coburn Ave.: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order.


          81-93 ACCEPTED


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC SAFETY Upon the following Communications of the City Manager: recommend Communications be placed on file.


81.          Transmitting communication relative to legislation - legal liability - defibrillators.


82.          Transmitting communication relative to type of fire equipment purchased from the donated account.


83.          Transmitting quarterly structure fire report.


84.          Transmitting communication relative to update on 23 Norfolk St. structure fire.


85.          Transmitting communication relative to fire protection - lodging houses.


86.          Transmitting communication relative to Fire Study Task Force.


87.          Transmitting communication relative to the attached report with regard to the comparison of battery versus hard wire smoke detectors in various buildings in the City of Worcester.


88.          Transmitting communication relative to incident dates, month by month - IOD's in the Police and Fire Departments.


89.          Transmitting communication relative to the non-firefighting equipment in fire stations.


90.          Transmitting communication relative to the City's award of $10,226.24 for the FY2001 Student Awareness of Fire Education (SAFE) Program.


91.          Transmitting communication relative to work necessary at our various fire stations to accommodate woman firefighters.


92.          Transmitting communication relative to an update regarding the next Fire Class.




93.          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC SAFETY Upon the Report of the Committee on Public Safety upon the Communication of the City Manager transmitting communication relative to adoption of legislation relative to Police and Fire Age Limitations: recommend Report and Communication be placed on file.


          94-126 ACCEPTED & ORDERS ADOPTED


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the following Petitions requesting private street maintenance: recommend adoption of the accompanying Orders.


94.          Petition of Sarah Quinn et al requesting private street maintenance on the private portion of Vincent Ave.


95.          Petition of Clement Bates et al requesting maintenance of the paved private section of St. Anthony St. between Granite St. and St. Louis St.


96.          Petition of Clement Bates et al requesting private street maintenance on the entire length of St. Louis St.


97.          Petition of Donald Wentworth et al requesting Public Works perform private street maintenance on Joppa Rd. from intersection of Rockrimmon Way, 300' south to 41 Joppa Rd.


98.          Petition of Councillor Dennis Irish on behalf of Peter Shanley et al requesting private street repair on Vaughan Ave.


99.          Petition of Hossein Khalil et al requesting private section of Colonial Rd. be put on the private street maintenance program.


100.          Petition of Cecile Auger et al requesting all pot holes be filled in on Ivy St.


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the following Petitions requesting street resurfacing: recommend adoption of the accompanying Orders.


101.          Petition of Francine Gallatti requesting Larkin St. be resurfaced.


102.          Petition of Paula Jaynes et al requesting to resurface Olga Ave.


103.          Petition of Mayor Raymond V. Mariano on behalf of Giuseppe Brignola requesting Public Works to resurface East Shelby St.


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the following Petitions requesting sidewalk repair: recommend adoption of the accompanying Orders.


104.          Petition of Anne Mack & Debbie Feingold requesting sidewalk repair in front of 180 Harding St. and 16 Harrison St.


105.          Petition of Christopher Harry requesting sidewalk repair in front of 23 Electric St.


106.          Petition of William Quiles requesting repair of Midland St. from corner of Newton Ave. to 6 Midland St.


107.          Petition of Councillor Michael C. Perotto on behalf of Robert Pichierri requesting Public Works replace sidewalk at 95 Gage St.


108.          Petition of Councillor Stephen Abraham requesting repair of sidewalk in front of 372 May St.


109.          Petition of Councillor Timothy P. Murray and Councillor Michael C. Perotto on behalf of Josephine Evangelista requesting Public Works repair sidewalk at 26 Wigwam Ave.


110.          Petition of Maria Hernandez requesting sidewalk repair at 128 Beacon St.


111.          Petition of Sally Krock requesting sidewalk repair in front of 17 Havelock Rd.


112.          Petition of Denis Leary, Executive Director, Massachusetts Veterans Shelter requesting installation of new sidewalk at 69 Grove St.


113.          Petition of Kwame Agyemana-Buda, Jr. requesting sidewalk be fixed in front of 16 Wyola Dr.


114.          Petition of Councillor Joseph Petty on behalf of Judy Collins requesting repair of sidewalk between 5 & 7 Wheeler Ave. and removal of tree, if necessary.


115.          Petition of Councillor Timothy P. Murray requesting repair of sidewalk in front of driveway at 10 Ashmore Rd.


116.          Petition of Councillor Janice L. Nadeau on behalf of Cambridge St. residents requesting removal of tree roots and repair of sidewalk at 408 & 444 Cambridge St.


117.          Petition of George & Lucy Dalianis requesting sidewalk repair in front of 17 Tower St.


118.          Petition of Alan C. Kasparson requesting sidewalk on corner of Hamilton St. and Superior Rd. (property is 15 Hamilton St.) be repaired.


119.          Petition of Anne Umphrey requesting sidewalk repair at 27 Elliott St. in front of my garages.


120.          Petition of Richard Collins requesting sidewalk repair in front of 5 Wheeler Ave.


121.          Petition of Councillor Timothy P. Murray on behalf of Debbie & Steven Caligaris requesting repair of sidewalks on Grafton St. near the intersection of Hale St.


122.          Petition of Councillor Janice L. Nadeau on behalf of Olive Sanders requesting Public Works repair sidewalk in front of 210 Cambridge St.


123.          Petition of Councillor Janice L. Nadeau on behalf of Sinbad's requesting Public Works repair sidewalk in front of 324 Pleasant St. where cement slab is lifted.


124.          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of Francis Bastardo et al requesting that in making public a portion of Orton St. that the Commissioner of Public Works consider engineering a roadway design that eliminates the two 90 degree turns and establishes a safer, straightened roadway: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order.


125.          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of Gianni Romeo requesting to extend surface and sanitary lines 475' + or - on Belcourt Rd. at the owners expense, under a prior agreement and according to City of Worcester specifications: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order.


126.          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of Councillor Janice L. Nadeau requesting the fence be repaired between 249-277 James St. or replace area with a guard rail: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order.


          127-148 ACCEPTED


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the following Communications of the City Manager: recommend Communications be placed on file.


127.          Transmitting communication relative to the Route 146 Interchange Access Roadway - Worcester/Millbury.


128.          Transmitting communication relative to the Cost Analysis of expanding the width of Heard St.


129.          Transmitting communication relative to the guard rail on the curve on Clark St.


130.          Transmitting communication relative to the communications concerning the water main break at Washington Sq.


131.          Transmitting communication relative to the Cherry Valley Sewer District.


132.          Transmitting communication relative to the feasibility of establishing a residential litter basket program.


133.          Transmitting communication relative to activities of the Grime Watch Program.


134.          Transmitting communication relative to Grime Watch Update - Graffiti Removals in August 2000.


135.          Transmitting communication relative to Grime Watch Program - September 2000.


136.          Transmitting communication relative to the PWED road and Patriot Metals.


137.          Transmitting communication relative to Great Brook Valley - Street and Sidewalk Assessment.


138.          Transmitting communication relative to Structural Stability on the Southbridge St. Bridge.


139.          Transmitting communication relative to Clark St. Yard Waste Drop-off Site.


140.          Transmitting communication relative to Status Report #5 - Street Resurfacing Projects.


141.          Transmitting communication relative to Status Report #6 - Street Resurfacing Projects.


142.          Transmitting communication relative to Status Report #7 - Street Resurfacing Projects.


143.          Transmitting communication relative to Status Report #8 - Street Resurfacing Projects.


144.          Transmitting communication on Trahan Ave.


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the following Petitions: recommend Petitioners be given leave to withdraw.


145.          Petition of Councillor Timothy P. Murray on behalf of Beth Finnegan requesting resurfacing of Airlie St.


146.          Petition of George Smith on behalf of Eleanor Benoit requesting sewer extension of 150' of 2" PVC sanitary force main in Naples Rd. to service house on Roycroft Rd., at owner's cost and under a prior agreement.


147.          Petition of Councillor Timothy P. Murray and Councillor Michael C. Perotto on behalf of Josephine Evangelista requesting emergency patch to sidewalk at 26 Wigwam Ave.


148.          Petition of Councillor Stephen G. Abraham requesting installation of new sidewalks and repair of existing sidewalks on Airport Dr. from the main terminal building to the intersection with Prouty Lane.






          149-158 ACCEPTED & ORDERS ADOPTED


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the following Petitions requesting crosswalks:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Orders.


149.          Petition of Councillor Joseph Petty requesting a crosswalk on Copperfield Rd. by Tatnuck Magnet School.


150.          Petition of Councillor Janice L. Nadeau on behalf of residents of 1050-1060 Main St. requesting crosswalk be painted on Mill St. Extension just past the bridge and Showcase Cinema.


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the following Petitions requesting signage: recommend adoption of the accompanying Orders.


151.          Petition of Councillor Michael C. Perotto on behalf of Paul Nowosielski requesting 30 MPH sign in vicinity of 195 Beverly Rd.


152.          Petition of Councillor Paul P. Clancy, Jr. on behalf of Barbara Janita et al requesting No Parking signs along McKeon Rd.


153.          Petition of Councillor Timothy P. Murray and Councillor Michael C. Perotto requesting No Parking Handicapped Ramp sign be placed on sidewalk between 14 and 12 Caprera St.


154.          Petition of Councillor Janice L. Nadeau on behalf of Mason St. residents requesting "Children Go Slow" signs on Mason St. between May and Winfield Sts.


155.          Petition of Hillary & Tim Sloate et al requesting brightly colored Slow, Children Playing sign on existing sign post at the driveway of 170 College St., Slow Children Playing, 20 MPH and Sharp Curve signs on telephone pole #31 at 185 College St. facing drivers as they enter Worcester from Auburn.


156.          Petition of Hien Nguyen et al requesting replacement of Children at Play ad 20 MPH speed limits signs on Byron St.





157.          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Petition of Councillor Timothy P. Murray ad Councillor Paul P. Clancy, Jr. on behalf of Sally Ruksnaitis requesting to create two lanes on Millbury St. where it intersects with Ballard St. to prevent stacking of cars on Millbury St.: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order.


158.          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Petition of Councillor Konstantina B. Lukes on behalf of Emmanuel Baptist Church requesting removal of Bus Stop in front of Emmanuel Baptist Church at 717 Main St. and place a Passenger Zone in front of Church: recommend adoption of the accompanying two Orders.




159.          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Communication of the City Manager transmitting communication relative to request for change of parking ordinance: recommend passage of the accompanying proposed Ordinance amending Section 37 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinance of 1996 relative to parking of commercial vehicles or trailers on residentially zoned streets.


          160-178 ACCEPTED


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the following Petitions: recommend Petitions be placed on file.


160.          Petition of Councillor Timothy P. Murray on behalf of George David Moore requesting Traffic Engineering review the signage at the crosswalk on Main St. at the Marble St. Apartments.


161.          Petition of Councillor Janice L. Nadeau on behalf of Rosemarie Flynn requesting a warning barrel at the crosswalk for elderly in crosswalk at Main St. where it intersects with Marble St.


162.          Petition of Dr. Judy Finkel, Principal, Flagg St. School requesting that a "No Left Turn" be installed for traffic exiting the driveway of Flagg St. School onto Flagg St.


163.          Petition of Robert & Celeste Muhr et al requesting Stop sign at the 3-way intersection on corner of Everton Ave. and in front of 57 Crowningshield Rd., both east and west.


164.          Petition of Rev. Michael P. Bafaro requesting to eliminate trailer trucks and other heavy duty trucks from the use of Mulberry St. from Shrewsbury St. to East Central St.


165.          Petition of Ronald O'Clair et al requesting installation of signs on barrels, orange and white striped, plastic construction with warning flashing lights in the crosswalks at the intersection of Main St. where it meets Wellington St. and going across to opposite side to Charlton St., both sides and to have Police Department enforce the law for violations.


166.          Petition of Councillor Janice L. Nadeau on behalf of Pat Reardon requesting resident parking from 10-16 McKeon Rd. and for enforcement of "No Parking" signs on McKeon Rd.


167.          Petition of Councillor Janice L. Nadeau on behalf of Corrine Devine requesting "No Parking Anytime" signs on odd side of Crystal St. next to park.


168.          Petition of Lois Clarkson et al requesting "No Parking Anytime" on Millbury St. between Falmouth and Whipple Sts.


169.          Petition of Karen Fay et al requesting handicap parking in front of 8 and 10 Hudson St.


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the following Communications of the City Manager: recommend Communications be placed on file.


170.          Transmitting communication relative to request for change of parking ordinance.


171.          Transmitting communication relative to Pleasant St. improvements, 2-way traffic pattern.


172.          Transmitting communication relative to 2-way Pleasant St.


173.          Transmitting communication relative to Pleasant St. 2-way conversion.


174.          Transmitting communication relative to 2-way Pleasant St.


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the following Petitions: recommend Petitions be denied.


175.   Frank & Doris Mattero et al requesting resident permit parking on Denny St. from Highland St. to Dix St.


176.          Jennifer Bourassa, Main South CDC et al request 4-way Stop at Clifton St. and Oberlin St.


177.   Aram Hovagimian request handicap parking at 71 Dewey St.


178.          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Petition of Councillor Stephen Patton on behalf of Alex Corrales, Worcester Housing Authority requesting to rescind winter parking ban on Constitution Ave. between Freedom Way and Tacoma St.: recommend Petitioner be given leave to withdraw.




          179 ORDAINED ON A ROLL CALL 11-0


179.          Amending Section 2, Article III of the Zoning Ordinance adopted April 2, 1991 relative to a zone change in the area of New York St. and Delaware St. from MG-2.0 to RG-5.




180.          Communication of the City Manager recommending that Ten Thousand and no/100 Dollars ($10,000.00) be transferred from the following accounts:

          From               Description                                               Amount


          14SSAL25      OPCD Salaries & Fringe                        $ 6,324.20

          14S48425        Employment & Training                           1,580.94

          14S48525        Code Enforcement                                        999.90

          14S49125        Oak Hill CDC                                            1,094.96

                                   Total                                                        $10,000.00


          And be appropriated to the following accounts:


          To                    Description                                               Amount


          14S47725        WCHR, Inc.                                            $10,000.00

                                    Total                                                      $10,000.00


          To transfer unexpended block grant funds at the request of the Center City Development Council in order to fund Phase II of the housing needs analysis to be performed by the Worcester Community Housing Resources, Inc.


Taken off the Table and Order adopted on a roll call 11-0


181.          Amending Section 2 of Article III of the Worcester Zoning Ordinance adopted April 2, 1991 relative to a zone change in the McKeon Rd. area.


Taken off the Table and ordained on a roll call 11-0




182.          REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Upon the Order of Councillor Paul P. Clancy, Jr. requesting approval of the attached Ordinance amending the Worcester Zoning Ordinance adopted April 2, 1991 relative to Non-Accessory Signs.   (Tabled May 30, 2000)  No Action Taken


183.          Resolution - That the City Council of the City of Worcester hereby supports an amendment to MGL Chapter 32, Section 3(4) proposed by Mrs. Mary Genaske, a Worcester Public School teacher to allow teachers from Puerto Rico to buy back into the Mass. Teachers Pension Fund at the same level as other teachers coming from other states in the union.  (Gomez)  (Tabled October 17, 2000)  No Action Taken


184.   Order - Request City Solicitor report to City Council on the ability of our municipal government to regulate the use of hand held telephones by motor vehicle drivers.  (Abraham)  (Tabled November 14, 2000)  Taken off the Table and adopted














NOVEMBER 27, 2000               JOINT                     COUNCIL CHAMBER

        6:00 P.M.               TRAFFIC & PARKING &

                                   COMMERCE & DEVELOPMENT

                                    Re:  Washington Square




        6:00 P.M.                                                        COMMUNITY SCHOOL

                                                                                832 MILLBURY ST.

                                                                                QUINSIGAMOND RM.

                                                                                FIRST FLOOR