5:00 P.M. – Reception in the third floor hallway of City Hall for Candidates for the Library Board of Trustees, City Council and the Mayor


6:00 P.M. – Regular Meeting of the City Council

Convened:  6:08 P.M.

Adjourned:  9:37 P.M.


1.       INVOCATION -   Rev. Fr. Dean N. Paleologos

St. Spyridon Greek Orthodox Cathedral




3.       STAR SPANGLED BANNER – Performed by Theresa Finnegan Shea, Sea Cadet, student at Jacob Hiatt Magnet School.


4.       ROLL CALL – All present






Joseph Spillane and Beverly Grier were elected to the Library Board of Trustees


A Resolution was presented to the Sea Cadets for undertaking the maintenance of the ship’s bell and associated plaques donated to the City of Worcester by the U.S.S. Worcester Association.


City Council presented Councillors Finnegan and Cooney with chairs upon their retirement.


Local 1009 made a presentation to Councillor Cooney




6.       REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC SERVICE AND TRANSPORTATION Upon the Communication of the City Manager relative to agreement with the Massachusetts Port Authority: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order. Order adopted on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays – See 58c-g










8.       Mirick Perkins request City Council consider converting Waycross St. from a private street to a public street.




9.       Thomas R. Narrigan, General Manager, RTA Transit Services, Inc. request bus stop locations to serve the Worcester Medical Center.


10.     Councillor Konstantina B. Lukes on behalf of Mary Ann Powell request handicap parking in front of 47 Ellsworth St.


11.     Jacob C. Allen request residential parking between 3-11 Irving St. and to remove parking meters.


12.     Jeannine Maillet request to put “No Parking Anytime” signs on one side of Crompton St.


13.     Kathleen Maranda et al request to install a 4-way light or a 4-way Stop sign at the intersection of Vernon & Dorchester Sts.


14.     Shirley A. Wheeler request a handicapped parking space in front of 69 Providence St.



          15 HEARING SET FOR JANUARY 4, 2000










A.      Notification of Constable appointments.


Placed on file





 3.      AIRPORT:


 4.      ASSESSORS:


A.      Communication relative to FY 2000 Certification of Tax Rates.


Placed on file




A.      Communication relative to confirmation that the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) approved Governor Cellucci’s request to expand Public Assistance Category B for all eligible expenses and statewide reimbursement for communities that responded to the Worcester Fire.


Referred to Public Safety Committee


  6.     CIVIC CENTER:














13.     FIRE:






16.     LAW:


          A.      Communication relative to Airport Operating Agreement.


Placed on file






A.      Request adoption of the resolution to file and accept a Grant with and from The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Environmental Management for the Heritage Tree at Elm Park.


Resolution adopted




A.      Communication relative to Expiring Use Issue/Upland Gardens.


Referred to Housing Committee


B.      Communication relative to the demolition contracts for properties along the Route 146 corridor.


Referred to Commerce & Development Committee


C.      Communication relative to State Grant Chart.


Referred to Municipal Operations Committee


D.      Communication relative to FY2000 Community Policing Award.


Referred to Public Safety Committee


E.      Communication relative to Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Round IV.


Referred to Public Safety Committee


F.      Communication relative to Ca    scades East Project.


Order adopted


G.      SUPPLEMENTAL – Request adoption of a resolution authorizing the City of Worcester to apply for 2000 Greenways and Trails demonstration grants program with the Department of Environmental Management.


Resolution adopted


 20.    POLICE:


A.      Request City Council accept with gratitude a donation from the Allmerica Charitable Foundation, 440 Lincoln Street, Worcester, MA in the amount of ($14,000.00) Fourteen Thousand Dollars, appropriated to the Worcester Police Department D.A.R.E. account 25T-603.


Order adopted with gratitude


On a roll call Councillor Petty was excused












26.     TREASURY:




28.     FINANCE:


A.      Recommend that Twelve Thousand Two Hundred Dollars ($12,200.00) be transferred from the following account:

Account                Description                               Amount

14S48522              Code Enforcement                    $12,200.00

and be appropriated to the following account:


Account                Description                               Amount

14S48922              Green Island/Vernon Hill CDC  $12,200.00


to provide funds in order to staff a Community Outreach Worker position at the Green Island / Vernon Hill Community.


Order adopted on a roll call 9-0


B.      Recommend that Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) be transferred from Account #91C745, Sewer Construction, and appropriated to Account #44C764, Sewer Pumping, to provide funds for payment of contractual obligations related to various Sewer Pumping projects, as approved in the Capital Improvement Program.


Order adopted on a roll call 9-0


Also referred to Public Works Committee for informational purposes only


C.      Recommend that Three Hundred Ten Thousand Dollars ($310,000.00) be transferred from Account #91C741, Street Construction, and appropriated to Account #41C741, Street Construction, to provide funds for the payment of contractual obligations related to various Street Resurfacing projects, as approved in the Capital Improvement Program.


Order adopted on a roll call 9-0


Also referred to Public Works Committee for informational purposes only


D.      Recommend that One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000.00) be transferred from Account #91C741, Street Construction, and appropriated to Account #41C768, Private Street Conversion/Betterments, to provide funds for the payment of contractual obligations related to various Private Street Conversion/Betterment projects, as approved in the Capital Improvement Program.


Order adopted on a roll call 9-0


Also referred to Public Works Committee for informational purposes only


E.      Recommend that One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000.00) be transferred from Account #91C713, Water Mains, and appropriated to Account #45C720, Water Mains, to provide funds for the payment of contractual obligations related to various Water Mains projects, as approved in the Capital Improvement Program.


Order adopted on a roll call 9-0


Also referred to Public Works Committee for informational purposes only


F.      Recommend that One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) be transferred from Account #91C711, Building Rehabilitation, and appropriated to Account #11C702, City Messenger Building Rehabilitation, to provide funds for the payment of contractual obligations related to Building Rehabilitation work, projected for the offices of the Mayor, City Council, City Manager, Purchasing and other City Hall projects, as approved in the Capital Improvement program.


Order adopted on a roll call


Also referred to Public Works Committee for informational purposes only






A.      Communication relative to Commuter Rail Service.


Referred to Public Service & Transportation Committee


B.                Communication relative to Worcester Housing Authority 1998 – 1999 Annual Report.


Referred to Housing Committee




          17-20 FROM LAND USE COMMITTEE - Adopted


17.     Request Administration to provide a report on the  City of Leominster’s policy regarding the enforcement of their Noise Control Ordinance.


18.     Request Administration to calculate the percentage of the Police and Fire portion of the municipal tax rate and non-profit parcels assessed value and produce a report on a calculation of a voluntary fee based on this information.


19.     Request Administration to create a policy when and if the closing of public streets or the selling or transfer of public property to a non-profit organization that a payment equal to the assessed value in lieu of taxes.


20.     Request Administration report on the annual value of all tax exempt and total assessed property revenue loss, by year from 1991.




21.     Request City Manager to provide City Council with Department objectives for Fiscal Year 2000.


22.     Request City Auditor to report on revised assumptions for the retirement system actuarial valuations.


23.     Request City Manager to report on current plan for reinsurance renewals.


24.     Request City Manager provide City Council with copies of any management reports submitted by Group Benefit Strategies, the health insurance consultant to the City.


25.     Request City Manager to provide City Council with a Fiscal 2000 First Quarter Management Report.


          26 FROM PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE – Recommitted to Public Works Committee


26.     That the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized and requested to repair sidewalks in 2000 (as enclosed).




 27.    Request City Manager contact Spectacor to discuss the possibility of donating a portion of proceeds from the November 30, 1999 concert to Concerns of Police Survivors (COPS).    (Murray, Petty)




28.     Request City Manager consider “Lighting up the City Program” as part of the center city project.   (Perotto)




29.     Request City Manager consider providing lights for the entire Worcester Common and leave the lights on year-round.   (Perotto)




30.     Request City Manager consider tree planting program for the Brittan Square Neighborhood for the purpose of beautification.   (Perotto)




31.     Request City Manager provide a report concerning the city efforts on the issue of regionalization with the surrounding towns of Shrewsbury, Holden, Paxton, Boylston, etc.  (Perotto)




32.     Request City Manager provide a report from all departments on various fees and charges and within report what was the fee or charge in 1994 as compared to 1999.    (Perotto)




33.     Request City Manager contact the Executive Director of the Friendly House concerning their property between 39 and 41 Wall St., erosion of wall from sidewalk for the purpose of public safety.   (Perotto)




34.     Request City Manager to provide a timeline for the State’s accreditation of the Worcester Police Department.   (Petty)




35.     Request Administration identify an entity to provide recreational activities at the former Lincoln Square Boys Club.     (Luster)




36.     Request Administration to pursue funding to restore the City of Worcester Office of Elder Affairs Nursing Home Ombudsman Program.    (Luster)




37.     Request Administration to provide a report on the feasibility of taxing underground equipment owned and operated by utilities.    (Luster)




38.     Request Administration to provide a report on the feasibility of assessing annual fees for properties containing billboards.   (Luster)




39.     Request City Manager contact Executive Director of the Worcester Performing Arts School concerning downtown entertainment events. (Perotto, Murray, Luster, Nadeau, Petty, Lukes)


Councillor Petty moved to amend – Further, that this be made a part of the marketing program for the City of Worcester and that a copy of this be sent to the Executive Office of Development


Order adopted, as amended


40.     Request City Manager inform City Council of any tax breaks or give-aways prior to or as part of any press announcement relative to a proposed development.   (Mariano)


Held to be Second Item of Business January 4, 2000


41.     Request City Manager refrain from any further tax breaks or give-aways prior to informing City Council and prior to seeking Council’s approval relative to a proposed development.    (Mariano)


Held to be Second Item of Business January 4, 2000


42.     Request City Manager to publicly inform City Council relative to all aspects of incentives and give-aways offered to the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy.    (Mariano)


Held to be Third Item of Business January 4, 2000


43.     That the City Council vote that it opposes any City economic policy for the benefit of a private party which provides for free parking in a public facility for a term of years.  This policy would not be in opposition to a reasonable reduced rate policy.  (Lukes, Nadeau) 


Held to be Third Item of Business January 4, 2000


44.     Request City Manager report to City Council on the role of the City Council in designating parking spaces to a private entity as happened with the Chestnut Place Project.   (Clancy)


Held to be Third Item of Business January 4, 2000


45.     Request City Manager report to City Council on whether or not spaces at the Worcester Public Library lot or Green St. lot were considered in place of the spaces at the Pearl Elm Garage for the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy.   (Clancy)


Held to be Third Item of Business January 4, 2000


46.     Request City Manager report to City Council on the legality of selling neighborhood vacant lots to designated abutters.   (Clancy)




47.     Request Administration provide an organization chart for the economic development departments and listing of community advisory groups, including membership.   (Patton)




48.     Request Administration report what its current policy is for repairing sidewalks, specifically addressing the reasons for temporary asphalt patches and the follow-up replacement with original concrete surfaces, the cost and the usual intervening time period for replacement of the original concrete surface.  (Lukes)




49.     Request Administration to provide a listing of all sidewalks which were repaired with asphalt patches and later replaced with concrete surfaces in the calendar year 1999 and a list of the pending sidewalks that were patched with asphalt that are awaiting replacement with concrete surfaces and an explanation why those sidewalks could not directly be provided with concrete sidewalks without the intervening asphalt patches and further, what savings could be realized by eliminating the step of providing asphalt patches.  (Lukes)




50.     Request Administration report on the cost and requirements for providing public restroom facilities at Ted Williams Field at Beaver Brook either by the City or by private efforts and funding.   (Lukes)




51.             Request City Solicitor to provide a legal opinion on whether  correspondence sent by City Council members to the City Manager without a public vote is affected by the requirements of open meeting laws.   (Lukes)




52.     Request City Manager to establish a task force which includes membership from the Worcester Fire Department, Veteran’s Affairs Office and members of the deceased firefighters families and the community in order to make recommendations as to an appropriate public monument to pay tribute to the SIX FALLEN HEROES of December 3, 1999.  (Lukes, Perotto, Murray, Patton, Clancy, Finnegan, Cooney, Petty, Luster, Mariano)




53.     Request City Manager to establish a committee including members of Local 1009 and representatives of each family, to recommend a suitable memorial to those who were lost in the fire of December 3, 1999.  (Mariano, Lukes, Clancy, Finnegan, Luster, Perotto, Petty, Nadeau, Murray, Patton, Cooney)




54.     Request City Manager to establish a committee, including members of Local 1009, Fire Department officials, Code Enforcement, the Chamber of Commerce and Worcester Property Owners Association to review safety issues associated with abandoned and vacant structures in the City.  (Mariano, Clancy, Finnegan, Luster, Perotto, Petty, Lukes, Murray, Nadeau, Patton, Cooney)




 55.    Request City Manager report on the status of the GIS system and whether the system currently includes plans, interior designs and layouts of commercial and industrial buildings and whether such information is readily available to the Worcester Fire Department in the event of a fire and if that program does not include such information, request the Manager report on the process and timetable for such inclusion.   (Lukes, Petty)




56.     Request City Manager report to Council on the feasibility of installing sewers in Millbury St. from city line to current service termination point.  (Clancy)




57.     Request City Manager report to Council on recommended ordinance or zoning change language that would prohibit the parking of buses in residential zones.   (Clancy)




58.     Request City Manager to communicate with appropriate state departments regarding the naming of a portion of state highway or roadway in honor of the Six Fallen Heroes.   (Lukes, Patton, Petty, Nadeau)




58a.   Request City Clerk to send to each of the unsuccessful candidates for the Library Board of Trustees, the pamphlet for appointment to other Boards and Commissions and notice of current vacancies.  Motion-Nadeau @ #5CC – Adopted


58b.   Request the Head Librarian to inform the unsuccessful candidates for the Library Board of Trustees of the opportunities with the Friends of the Worcester Public Library.  Motion-Murray @ #5CC – Adopted


58c.   That an amendment be added to Article 18 of the agreement between the City of Worcester and the Massachusetts Port Authority for operation of the Worcester Regional Airport that the City Council reaffirm that any Airport access road will conform to the votes taken relative to such a road by the City Council on November 9, 1999 and eliminate from consideration the proposed routes described below and any routes that are substantially the same.  Motion-Cooney @ #6CC - Denied on a roll call vote of 4 Yeas and 7 Nays


          Yes – Clancy, Cooney, Patton, Mariano

No  -  Finnegan, Lukes, Luster, Murray, Nadeau, Perotto, Petty


58d.   Attach to Article 18 as an appendix or resolution – That the Worcester City Council hereby expresses its support for those provisions of the agreement concerning the operation of the Airport and its opposition to the provisions of Article 18 entitled “Regional Roadway Improvements”.  Copy to Governor and Mass. Highway. Motion-Cooney @ #6CC – Adopted


          Councillor Murray requested reconsideration – On a roll call vote of 8 Yeas and 3 Nays Council voted to reconsider


58e.   Councillor Cooney restated Motion as a Resolution – That the Worcester City Council hereby expresses its support for those provisions of the agreement concerning the operation of the Airport and its opposition to the provisions of Article 18 entitled “Regional Roadway Improvements.”  Motion-Cooney @ #6CC – Adopted on a roll call vote of 10 Yeas and 1 Nay (Finnegan)


58f.    That in any cover letter which the City Manager is going to forward this agreement with to Massport that he reference this Council’s vote to support ROAR alternative and request this letter be forwarded to each member of the Massport Board.  Motion-Murray @ #6CC – Adopted


          Councillor Lukes requested reconsideration – On a voice vote Council voted to reconsider


58g.   Councillor Murray restated Motion – That in any cover letter which the City Manager is going to forward to Massport and also requesting that it be distributed to all members of the Massport Board, this cover letter, that the City Council go on record supporting the ROAR alternative.  Adopted on a roll call vote of 8 Yeas and 3 Nays


          Yes – Clancy, Finnegan, Luster, Murray, Patton, Perotto, Petty, Mariano

          No  -  Cooney, Lukes, Nadeau


58h.   Request City Manager to obtain a report from the School Department Grants Office as to how many grants they put out in the last fiscal year, what their staffing is and what the total amount of grants received was.  Motion-Lukes @ #19C CM – Adopted


58i.    That a letter on behalf of the City Council be sent to Representative Fresolo thanking him for his efforts relative to the FY 2000 Community Policing Grants.  Motion-Clancy @ #19D CM – Adopted


58j.    Request City Manager to report on the status of 35 acres on Dawson Rd.  Motion-Murray @ #19F CM – Adopted


58k.   Request Administration report as to what the City might be going next year to continue applying for more grants for the procurement of more open space.  Motion-Clancy @ #19F CM – Adopted


58L.   Request City Solicitor report as to what authority, if any, the Fees and Charges Committee has relative to any City Ordinances.  Motion-Murray @ #32CC – Adopted


58m.  That the Special Meeting of the City Council scheduled for December 22, 1999 is hereby cancelled.  Motion-Mayor at end of Reports – Adopted


58n.   Request City Manager to contact Hanover Insurance Company to address their offer to develop a program to address the problem of vacant industrial buildings.  Perotto – Suspension of Rules – Adopted


58o.   Request Administration, in some coordinated fashion, respond to all correspondence received relative to the fire of December 3, 1999.  Murray – Suspension of Rules - Adopted 


58p.   That the provisions of Section 51 of Chapter 127 of the Acts of 1999 are hereby accepted by the City of Worcester.  Motion-Lukes – Adopted on a roll call 9-0




59.     Communication of the City Manager transmitting communication relative to Worcester Redevelopment Authority (WRA) Monthly Report (October 1999).


Held to be First Item of Business January 4, 2000


60.     Communication of the City Manager transmitting communication relative to increasing the fire class from 17 to 22.


Referred to Public Safety Committee


61.     James DelSignore, City Auditor transmitting report concerning the passage of Chapter 127 of the Acts of 1999 which amended MGL Chapter 32, Section 103.


Referred to Municipal Operations Committee


62.     James DelSignore, City Auditor transmitting a financial analysis of the proposed Worcester Regional Airport Operating Agreement between the City and Mass. Port Authority.


Referred to Public Service & Transportation Committee


63.     James DelSignore, City Auditor transmitting City’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for year ended June 30, 1999.


Referred to Municipal Operations Committee


64.     Central Mass. Regional Planning Commission transmitting Fiscal Year 1999 Annual Report.


Referred to Regional Affairs Committee


65.     Ruth Carlson, Executive Director, Worcester Housing Authority transmitting Worcester Housing Authority 1998-1999 Annual Report.


Placed on file


66.     Joseph E. Connarton, Executive Director, Mass. Public Employee Retirement Administration transmitting amount to be appropriated for the City of Worcester retirement system for Fiscal year 2001 which commences July 1, 2000.


Referred to Municipal Operations Committee


67.     Arthur B. McCue, City Clerk, Somerville, Mass. transmitting Resolution relative to the December 3, 1999 fire in Worcester.


Placed on file


68.     Iris E. Walker, City Clerk, Topeka, Kansas transmitting Resolution relative to the December 3, 1999 fire in Worcester.


Placed on file




68a.   That the City Council of the City of Worcester hereby recognizes the Greater Worcester Land Trust for their participation in the acquisition of open space and to thank them for their efforts and for the money they have provided to match the procurement of Crow Hill and Cascades East.  Motion-Clancy @ #19F CM – Adopted on a roll call vote of 9 Yeas and 0 Nays






a)       #40CC   June 22, 1999


          Order – Request City Council to schedule Finance sessions beginning the first week in January 2000 in order to commence discussions regarding budget issues.   (Lukes)


b)      #41CC   June 22, 1999


          Order – Request City Manager to present a budget for the next fiscal year with a rate of growth that is either at the rate of inflation or excludes new growth, whichever sum is lower.   (Lukes)


c)             #63CC  September 21, 1999


          Order – Request City Council pledge to maintain the existing tax rate for the next three fiscal years.  Further, request City Council instruct the City Manager to prepare the next three budgets using only “New growth”, state and federal funds and existing tax revenues.                          (Mariano)    






70.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON FEES AND CHARGES Upon the Communication of David J. Rushford, City Clerk requesting approval of an amendment to the Revised Ordinances of 1996 relative to an increase in fees for corrections to vital records: recommend passage of the accompanying proposed Ordinance.


          71 & 72 ACCEPTED


71.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON FEES AND CHARGES Upon the Communication of David J. Rushford, City Clerk transmitting request for fee changes: recommend Communication be placed on file.


72.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON FEES AND CHARGES Upon the Communication of James DelSignore, City Auditor transmitting Comprehensive Listing of Fees and Charges, updated to December 31, 1998: recommend Communication be placed on file.


          72a ACCEPTED AND RESOLUTION ADOPTED – Suspension of Rules


72a.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE AND DEVELOPMENT Upon the Communication of the City Manager transmitting communication relative to Certified Project Application for Worcester Millbrook LLC and Specialized Software International: recommend adoption of the accompanying Resolution.




73.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON LAND USE Upon the Communication of the City Manager transmitting communication relative to Regulation of Private Construction Activity: recommend passage of the accompanying proposed Ordinance.


          74-158 ACCEPTED


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON LAND USE Upon the following Communications of the City Manager: recommend Communications be placed on file.


74.     Transmitting communication relative to Community Preservation Act Legislation – Senate 1715 (House 3173).


75.     Transmitting communication relative to Acquisition of Taxable Properties.


76.     Transmitting communication relative to  Definition of “Emergency”.


77.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON LAND USE Upon the Communication of Helen A. Friel, Assistant to the Superintendent/Clerk of the School Committee transmitting communication relative to timeline for complying with new landscape design standards for all parking lots under their control: recommend Communication be placed on file.


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS Upon the following Communications of the City Manager: recommend Communications be placed on file.


78.     Transmitting communication relative to First Quarter Local Aid Distributions/Surplus Lottery Proceeds.


79.     Transmitting communication relative to Bond Insurance/Bond Rating.


80.     Transmitting communication relative to $59,370,000.00 Bond Sale Results.


81.     Transmitting communication relative to Final Official Statement - $59,370,000.00 Bond Sale.


82.     Transmitting communication relative to Income Generated – Deposited in the City’s General Fund.


83.     Transmitting communication relative to Medical City Loan Authorization – Proceeds.


84.     Transmitting communication relative to the current 5 year fiscal projection report for Fiscal Years 99-03.


85.     Transmitting communication relative to Fiscal 99 Second Quarter Management Report.


86.     Transmitting communication relative to Fiscal 99 Third Quarter Management Report.


87.     Transmitting communication relative to Health Insurance RFP.


88.     Transmitting communication relative to Health Insurance RFP Process.


89.     Transmitting communication relative to Retiree Health Insurance.


90.     Transmitting communication relative to the procedure for acceptance of the COLA provisions of the new Retirement Law.


91.     Transmitting communication relative to Performance Evaluation Form.


92.     Transmitting communication relative to Direct Deposit.


93.     Transmitting communication relative to Incentive Program/ Residency.


94.     Transmitting communication relative to City of Cambridge Plan/Residency for City Employees.


95.     Transmitting communication relative to Health Insurance Selection and Medicare Risk Ruling.


96.     Transmitting communication relative to Energy Deregulation.


97.     Transmitting communication relative to Group Benefit Strategies.


98.     Transmitting communication relative to Breakdown on Taxable Portion of Biotech Park.


99.     Transmitting communication relative to Properties Purchased by Worcester Colleges.


100.   Transmitting communication relative to Colleges-Taxation.


101.   Transmitting communication relative to List of Vendors.


102.   Transmitting communication relative to Proposed Census 2000 Promotion Activities.


103.   Transmitting communication relative to Federal Medicaid Program/Bundled Rates.


104.   Transmitting communication relative to report of KPMG Peat Marwick on the functioning of the Treasury and Tax Modules of the IFMS.


105.   Transmitting communication relative to cost associated with completion of implementation of IFMS – Treasurer’s Module.


106.   Transmitting communication relative to Status Report relative to the functioning of the Treasury and Tax Modules of Integrated Financial Management System.


107.   Transmitting communication relative to City of Worcester’s Y2K Preparedness.


108.   Transmitting communication relative to Impact of Enhanced Tax Collection System.


109.   Transmitting communication relative to Phase I System Modification Plan.


110.   Transmitting communication relative to City Manager’s Evaluation.


111.   Transmitting communication relative to Personal Accomplishments/ FY 2000.


112.   Transmitting communication relative to Boat Excise.


113.   Transmitting communication relative to Excise Tax Bills.


114.   Transmitting communication relative to Excise Tax Bills – Supplemental.


115.   Transmitting communication relative to Pension Obligation Bond Sale.


116.   Transmitting communication relative to Residential and Commercial Tax Bills.


117.   Transmitting communication relative to FY 98 Certified Free Cash.


118.   Transmitting communication relative to Capital Project and Equipment Procurement and Payment Process.


119.   Transmitting communication relative to Distressed Census Tracts.


120.   Transmitting communication relative to Breakdown of the Central Business District.


121.   Transmitting communication relative to the successful bond anticipation note issuance.


122.   Transmitting communication relative to Bond Rating – Standard & Poors.


123.   Transmitting communication relative to Bond Rating – Moody’s Investor Service.


124.   Transmitting communication relative to Pension Obligation Bond – Final Official Statement.


125.   Transmitting communication relative to Worcester’s preparedness to make computer systems and assets compliant for the Year 2000.


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS Upon the following Communications of James DelSignore, City Auditor: recommend Communications be placed on file.


126.   Transmitting listing of vendors who received payments from the City in excess of $100,000.00 during fiscal 1998.


127.   Transmitting copy of report on Worcester’s CentrumCentre Fund – Convention Center Component which includes financial statements with supplemental schedules for the years ended June 30, 1999 and 1998 plus the independent auditors report.


128.   Transmitting report on the Worcester CentrumCentre Fund – Convention Center Component for the year ended June 30, 1998.


129.   Transmitting copy of the report on Worcester’s CentrumCentre Fund – Arena Component which includes financial statements with supplemental schedules for the years ended June 30, 1999 and 1998 plus the independent auditors report.


130.   Transmitting Auditors Report – March 31, 1999.


131.   Transmitting Auditors Report – April 30, 1999.


132.   Transmitting Auditors Report – September 30, 1999.


133.   Transmitting Auditors Report – October 31, 1999.


134.   Transmitting Actuarial Valuation as of January 1, 1999 for the City of Worcester Retirement System, prepared by Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLP.


135.   Transmitting computation of the legal debt margin for the City of Worcester as of August 31, 1999.


136.   Transmitting computation of the legal debt margin for the City of Worcester as of October 31, 1999.


137.   Transmitting the following schedules requested on a quarterly basis: Schedule of Bonds Authorized and Unissued, Computation of Legal Debt Margin and Summary of Principal and Interest Due.


138.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS Upon the Communication of Frederick A. Laskey, Commissioner, The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Revenue transmitting estimated amount to be received by the City of Worcester during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000: recommend the Communication be placed on file.


139.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS Upon the Chairman’s Order requesting Municipal Operations/Strategic Planning Committees to consider the broad issue of centralizing municipal administrative services: recommend Chairman’s Order be placed on file.


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC SERVICE AND TRANSPORTATION Upon the following Communications of the City Manager: recommend Communications be placed on file.


140.   Transmitting communication relative to additional information regarding the MassPort Agreement as outlined in item 3A.


141.   Transmitting communication relative to progress report of the Airport Citizens Advisory Committee.


142.   Transmitting communication relative to Airport Commission meeting.


143.   Transmitting communication relative to Exhibits – Massport/ Worcester – Airport Operating Agreement.


144.   Transmitting communication relative to Worcester welcoming Delta Airlines.


145.   Transmitting communication relative to Worcester Regional Airport Development/Business Plan.


146.        Transmitting communication relative to Massport/City of Worcester Airport Operation Agreement Negotiations.


147.   Transmitting communication relative to Massport Negotiations.


148.   Transmitting communication relative to Massport/Worcester Airport Negotiations.


149.   Transmitting communication relative to Memorandum of Understanding among the Massachusetts Port Authority, the City of Worcester, Massachusetts and the Worcester Airport Commission.


150.   Transmitting communication relative to Joint Committee on Transportation to visit the Worcester Regional Airport.


151.   Transmitting communication relative to information meeting to discuss proposed operational agreement between Massport and Worcester Regional Airport.


152.   Transmitting communication relative to July 26, 1999 Airport Access Road public meeting transcript, as submitted by Mass. Highway.


153.   Transmitting communication relative to Massport/Worcester Airport Operating Agreement Summary of Negotiation Process.


154.   Transmitting communication relative to Airport Access Rd. – Eminent Domain – City  vs. State.


155.   Transmitting communication relative to the Worcester Regional Airport Operating Agreement with the Massachusetts Port Authority.


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC SERVICE AND TRANSPORTATION Upon the following Communications of James DelSignore, City Auditor: recommend Communications be placed on file.


156.   Transmitting report indicating Worcester Regional Airport revenue, expenditures and changes in fund equity (deficit) for the last ten fiscal years.


157.   Transmitting report on the undepreciated cost of fixed assets owned by the Worcester Regional Airport.


158.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC SERVICE AND TRANSPORTATION Upon the Order of Councillor Murray requesting City Administration update City Council on negotiations with MassPort relative to Worcester Regional Airport: recommend Order be placed on file.




159.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of Bernadette M. Ostromecki requesting abatement of Private Street Betterment Assessment #50005 in the amount of $1,771.00 on Dunkirk Ave.: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order to abate in full.


160.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of S. Michael & Lucinda A. Gremo requesting abatement of Private Street Betterment Assessment #50001 in the amount of $2,300.00 on Dunkirk Ave.: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order to abate to $1,955.00.


161.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of Gordon M. & Veronica Chapman requesting abatement of Private Street Betterment Assessment #50015 in the amount of $3,145.97 on Wheeler Ave.: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order to abate to $1,300.00.


162.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of Jennie C. Roy & Harry H. Roy, Jr. requesting abatement of Private Street Betterment Assessment #50013 in the amount of $2,993.12 on Jeanette St.: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order to abate to $2,300.00.


163.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of Robert L. & Suzanne C. Boucher requesting abatement of Street Betterment Assessment #24298 in the amount of $10,505.41 on Barrows Rd.: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order to abate to $5,300.00.


          164-185 ACCEPTED & ORDERS ADOPTED


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the following Petitions requesting private street maintenance: recommend adoption of the accompanying Orders.


164.   Sophie Groccia et al requesting private street maintenance on Valley View Lane.


165.   Peter Yurkenas et al requesting private street maintenance on Sonoma Dr.


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the following Petitions requesting street resurfacing: recommend adoption of the accompanying Orders.


166.   Councillor Michael C. Perotto on behalf of Lisa Rivers et al requesting resurfacing of Fox St.


167.   Councillor Michael C. Perotto on behalf of Mario Bussolari et al requesting resurfacing of Lyndale Rd.


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the following Petitions requesting sidewalk repair: recommend adoption of the accompanying Orders.


168.   Roland Morin, Jr. requesting sidewalk repair at Bowling Green Lane side of my property at 24 Tarrytown Lane.


169.        Councillor Stephen T. Patton request repair of sidewalk in front of Thorndyke Rd. School.


170.   Councillor Janice L. Nadeau on behalf of Deana Szaramangos requesting Public Works replace sidewalk in front of 15 ½ Richards St.


171.   Meredith Barnes requesting new sidewalk and regrading of driveway at 113 Barnard Rd.


172.   Rudolph J. Forge requesting sidewalk at 130 Barnard Rd. be resurfaced.


173.   Arthur Moulin requesting sidewalk repair at 138 Barnard Rd.


174.   Councillor Janice L. Nadeau requesting repair of sidewalks on Southbridge St. between Boyden St. and Glade St.


175.   Councillor Janice L. Nadeau requesting repair of sidewalk at 60 Perry Ave.


176.   Councillor Janice L. Nadeau requesting repair of sidewalk at 80 Perry Ave.


177.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of Idella Szydlik et al requesting handicap curb cut be put in place at the front of Worcester State College in front of the main entrance, right next to the bus stop: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order.


178.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of Gregory J. O’Connor, Architect Agent for Telegram & Gazette request to alter the City sidewalk at the Telegram & Gazette at 20 Franklin St. to provide handicap access to the building.  Work to be done to City of Worcester standards and at the Telegram’s expense: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order.


179.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of Roland Riopel requesting widening of street in front of my property at 133 Malvern Rd. to make it equal width with the rest of the street: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order.


180.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of Harriet Lebow & Jonathan Finkelstein requesting City of Worcester to replace the existing 1” iron water main in Berwick Lane with a 2” water main and extend to the new residence at 11 Berwick Lane: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order.


181.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of George Smith, Engineer on behalf of Gene DeFeudis requesting permission to extend 8” sanitary sewer from Sunderland Rd. northerly for a distance of 225’ under a prior agreement, at owner’s expense and according to City of Worcester standards to access 1121 Grafton St.: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order.


182.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of Michael W. O’Neil requesting to install a 2” sanitary force main on Weldon Ave. northerly for a distance of 265’: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order.


183.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of Bernard H. Brown requesting to abandon a 10’ wide sewer easement on my property at 34 Creswell Rd. since it no longer serves any purpose: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order.


184.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of Philip O. Shwachman, President, First American Realty, Inc. on behalf of Liberty Square Development Trust to abandon and release that portion of the easement taken that is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was acquired, namely for road widening purposes in connection with realignment and reconstruction of a portion of Central St. as part of Central St. Gateway Project and remove abandoned and released portion of easement from the official map of the City of Worcester: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order.


185.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of Philip O. Shwachman, President, First American Realty, Inc. on behalf of Liberty Square Development Trust to abandon and release the sewer, drain and maintenance easements at Central St. and to remove these easements from the official map of the City of Worcester: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order.     


          186-209 ACCEPTED


186.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of John Marlborough requesting removal of large tree and replacement of sidewalk in front of 120 Purchase St.: recommend Petition be referred to Parks Department for a tree removal hearing.


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the following Communications of the City Manager: recommend Communications be placed on file.


187.   Transmitting communication relative to Consumer Confidence Reports.


188.   Transmitting communication relative to Earth Moving Operation – Second, Third and Fourth Sts.


189.   Transmitting communication relative to Plan for Use of Coal Mine Brook.


190.   Transmitting communication relative to Future Disposal, Street Sweepings and Catch Basin Cleanings – L.D.C. #667.


191.   Transmitting communication relative to Pelham St. Flooding.


192.   Transmitting communication relative to Billing Cycles/Water and Sewer Bills.


193.   Transmitting communication relative to Water Supply Status.


194.   Transmitting communication relative to Official Street Directory of the City of Worcester.


195.   Transmitting communication relative to Status Report #11 – Street Resurfacing Projects.


196.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Order of Councillor Cooney requesting the City Council to accept the following policy recommendation relative to selecting sidewalks for improvement:  1) Sidewalk funds are allocated 60% for categories 1, 2 & 3 and 40% for category 4.  2) Selection of sidewalks will recognize and be guided by the following factors: Age of petition, community request and support and allocation of funds citywide: recommend Order be placed on file.


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the following Petitions: recommend Petitioners be given leave to withdraw.


197.   Councillor John Finnegan on behalf of Scott Mouton, Pan-Glo, Inc. request a cut in median at Pan-Glo on Goddard Memorial Dr. which will allow tractor trailer trucks to make a turn in a southerly down hill direction when leaving company parking lot. Presently trucks must go in a northerly direction and make a U-turn to head south creating a dangerous situation.


198.   Councillor Joseph M. Petty requesting Public Works correct transitional pavement from Cataract St. into Monica Rd. brought about during a recent resurfacing of Cataract St.


199.   Frank J. & Maria K. Zone request City of Worcester replace the damaged concrete pads at 40 Monroe Ave.


200.   Councillor John Finnegan on behalf of Robert Scott request sidewalk repair to correct shut-off valves above grade creating hazard in front of 44 Paradox Dr.


201.   Paul Soulliere & James Broadhurst request sidewalk repair between 14 & 16 Lenox St.


202.   Councillor Timothy J. Cooney, Jr. on behalf of Arthur Tomasetta request Public Works correct driveway problem on Blithewood Ave. side of property at 40 Brierway Dr.


203.   Councillor Stephen T. Patton on behalf of Phil O’Leary request repair of sidewalk in front of 53 Eunice Ave.


204.   Rudolph Forge request sidewalk in front of 130 Barnard Rd. be resurfaced.


205.   Wayne A. Griffin on behalf of Peter Smith request City to take responsibility for the care of the retention pond at the Scenic Heights housing development off of Bailey St.


206.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Report of the Planning Board upon the Petition of Councillor Stephen Patton on behalf of Peter & Denise Farnsworth requesting to make Diana St. public: recommend Petition be denied.


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the following Petitions requesting abatements: recommend Petitions be denied.


207.   William L. Thomas on behalf of Scott & Alice E. Perkins request abatement of Sewer Assessment #30766 in the amount of $2,850.00 on Carpenter Ave.


208.   Peter J. & Jeannette White request abatement of Sewer Assessment #30763 in the amount of $3,777.20 on Carpenter Ave.


209.   Peter J. & Jeannette White request abatement of Sewer Assessment #30762 in the amount of $7,600.00 on Carpenter Ave.


TABLED ITEMS – No Action Taken


210.   Communication of the City Manager recommending that Twelve Thousand Six Hundred Eighty Eight Dollars and Fifty Cents ($12,688.50) be transferred from Account 331-46, Belmont Home Retained Earnings and appropriated to Account 045S505, Belmont Home Advertising, to provide funds for the purpose of payment for advertising costs for proposed sale of the Belmont Home.


211.   Communication of the City Manager transmitting communication relative to an RFP for the sale of the Belmont Home.


212.   Chairman’s Order from Youth, Parks & Recreation Committee – Request Administration to consider using the current site of the Vocational School, on the side of the Boys Club, as park land after discontinuance of use as a Vocational School.


213.   Chairman’s Order from Youth, Parks & Recreation Committee – Request Administration to consider eliminating the softball field on the Belmont St. side of the Vocational School site plan.


214.   Chairman’s Order from Youth, Parks & Recreation Committee – Request Administration to reconsider keeping educationally sound, the size of the parking area for the new Vocational School.


215.   REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Upon the Petition of Jonathan Finkelstein, Esquire on behalf of Smallwood Village Associates, Inc. requesting City of Worcester make Travis St. public.


216.   Tabled In Part – Order – Request Administration report on whether the Worcester Redevelopment Authority intends to sell the tax credits of the Union Station Project, the value of the tax credits, the intended use of the proceeds of the sale and further, request City Manager to request the Worcester Redevelopment Authority to forbear from the sale.   (Lukes)

          Tabled – request City Manager to request the Worcester Redevelopment Authority to forbear from the sale.


217.     Chairman’s Order from Traffic & Parking Committee – Request Director of Traffic Engineering to install “Children” and “Intersection Ahead” signs on Ardmore Rd. in advance of Hancock Hill Dr.


218.   Communication of the City Manager transmitting communication relative to Shooting Range Ordinance.




DECEMBER 20, 1999                HOUSING            COUNCIL CHAMBER

    6:00 P.M.

                              Rescheduled from December 9, 1999



    5:30 P.M.


DECEMBER 21, 1999            COMMERCE &       ROOM 409

    5:30 P.M.                            DEVELOPMENT     CITY HALL


Re: Certified Project Application for Worcester Millbrook LLC and  Specialized Software International



    6:00 P.M.

                          Rescheduled from December 8, 1999