CITY OF WORCESTER | Public Works Committee Meeting | Wednesday, June 7, 2023 | Esther Howland (South) Chamber | Convened: 5:32 P.M. | Adjourned: 6:53 P.M. |
Mayor Joseph M. Petty | |
Clerk of the City Council Nikolin Vangjeli | Committee Members | Chairperson George J Russell | Vice Chairperson Candy Mero-Carlson | Councilor Morris A Bergman | |
City Hall - 455 Main Street Worcester, Massachusetts | |
| Present Were: | Chairperson Councilor George J. Russell
Councilor Candy Mero-Carlson
Councilor Morris A. Bergman, who arrived at 5:33 P.M.
| | | | | Also: | City Solicitor Michael Traynor
Commissioner of Public Works and Parks Jay Fink
Assistant Commissioner of Public Works and Parks Kerry Reed
Deputy City Clerk Stephen A.J, Pottle, clerk | | | |
1. | Virtual Attendee Call-In Information | |
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| | | 1a. | Pursuant to Chapter 20 of the Acts of 2021 and in order to ensure active, public engagement, the City of Worcester currently allows for both in-person and remote participation at all City Council and Standing Committee meetings. To partake in the meeting, you may attend the meeting in-person within the meeting location, follow the below link to join via Zoom or dial the direct line as indicated.
Public Works Committee Zoom Link:
Public Works Committee Zoom Phone Number: (929) 205 6099
Public Works Committee Zoom Access Code: 989 2880 0472 | Attachments |
2. | Approval of the Minutes | |
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| | | 2a. | Order - That the City Council Standing Committee on Public Works hereby approves the minutes of the Public Works Committee meeting on May 10, 2023. | View Agenda | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Russell read the item and moved to adopt the item. Order adopted | |
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| | | 3a. | Report of the Planning Board Upon the Petition of Stephen Lentz request Kenyon Ave. be made a public street.
# 17d CC July 19, 2022
In Committee March 1, 2023 - Held
| Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Russell read the item and recognized the following speaker: 1. Michael O’Rouke, Worcester resident, spoke neither in favor nor in opposition to the item
Chairperson Councilor Russell recognized the Deputy City Clerk, who discussed the ballots from abutting residents that were submitted to the City Clerk’s Office.
Chairperson Councilor Russell recognized Councilor Mero-Carlson, who spoke concerning the item.
Chairperson Councilor Russell moved for a roll call vote to recommend the item be denied.
Recommend Deny on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays | |
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| | | 3b. | Report of the Planning Board Upon the Petition of Blake Simpson request Forsberg St. from Harwich St. westerly a distance of approximately 500 feet, to the end of the constructed way, be converted to a public road.
# 10f CC January 19, 2021
In Committee May 10, 2023 - Held
| Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Russell read the item and recognized the Deputy City Clerk, who discussed the ballots from abutting residents that were submitted to the City Clerk’s Office.
Chairperson Councilor Russell moved for a roll call vote to recommend the item be approved.
Recommend Approval on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays | |
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| | | 3c. | Report of the Planning Board Upon the Petition of Blake Simpson request Steele St. from Keach Ave. to Forsberg St. be converted to a public road.
# 10h CC January 19, 2021
In Commitee May 10, 2023 - Held
| Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Russell read the item and recognized the Deputy City Clerk, who discussed the ballots from abutting residents that were submitted to the City Clerk’s Office.
Chairperson Councilor Russell moved for a roll call vote to recommend the item be denied.
Recommend Deny on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays | |
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| | | 3d. | Report of the Planning Board Upon the Petition of Laurian Banciulescu request to convert the entire length of Denmark St. from private to public.
# 15a CC January 31, 2017
In Committee October 11, 2017 - Held
In Committee May 10, 2023 - Held
| Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Russell read the item and recognized the Deputy City Clerk, who discussed the ballots from abutting residents that were submitted to the City Clerk’s Office.
Chairperson Councilor Russell moved for a roll call vote to recommend the item be denied.
Recommend Deny on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays | |
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| | | 3e. | Report of the Planning Board Upon the Petition of Philip Sciascia Jr. and Nadia Amrani request the portion of Locust Ave. from its intersection with Lake View St. up to and including 53 Locust Ave. be made public.
# 17a CC April 26, 2022 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Russell read the item and recognized the following speakers. 1. Philip Sciascia, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of the item
Chairperson Councilor Russell recognized the Deputy City Clerk, who discussed the ballots from abutting residents that were submitted to the City Clerk’s Office.
Chairperson Councilor Russell recognized Councilor Mero-Carlson, who discussed challenges relative to mail delivery to Locust Ave. due to road conditions.
Chairperson Councilor Russell recognized Councilor Bergman, who spoke concerning the item.
Chairperson Councilor Russell moved for a roll call vote to recommend the item be denied.
Recommend Deny on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays | |
4. | Street Discontinuance Item | |
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| | | 4a. | Report of the Planning Board Upon the Petition of Alex Corrales, Chief Executive Officer of the Worcester Housing Authority, request 1) discontinuance of a westerly portion of Brookview Dr.; a northwesterly portion of Brookview Dr.; and a cul-de-sac at an easterly portion of Green Brook Valley Ave. near its intersection with Joseph P. Carlson Way; 2) the alteration and layout of a northwesterly portion Brookview Dr.; a portion of the westerly end of Great Brook Valley Ave.; and portions of the northerly and southerly sides of Great Brook Valley Ave. by virtue of permanent easements to be taken in certain parcels of land as shown in the attached plans; and 3) the abandonment of the City's property rights in the discontinued portions of Brookview Dr. and Great Brook Valley Ave.
# 13a CC April 11, 2023 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Russell read the item and recognized the following speaker: 1. Joseph Duquette, Quincy resident, spoke in favor of the item
Chairperson Councilor Russell moved to recommend the item be approved.
Recommend Approval | |
5. | Street Name Change Petition | |
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| | | 5a. | Report of the Planning Board Upon the Petition of Councilor Candy Mero-Carlson, Mayor Joseph M. Petty. Councilor Gary Rosen, Councilor Morris A. Bergman, Councilor Kathleen M. Toomey and Councilor Khrystian E. King request Mullberry St. from Shrewsbury St. to East Central St. be renamed Mount Carmel Way.
# 15a CC February 25, 2020 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Russell read the item and recognized Councilor Mero-Carlson and Councilor Bergman, who both spoke concerning the item.
Chairperson Councilor Russell moved to recommend the item be approved.
Recommend Approval | |
6. | Construct Sidewalks Item | |
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| | | 6a. | Chairman's Order from the Committee on Public Works - Request Standing Committee on Public Works hold a hearing to construct sidewalks, at the city's expense, adjacent to city owned properties and as needed on Sunderland Rd., to create safer pedestrian safety to access large housing complexes.
# 9a CC May 23, 2023 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Russell read the item and recognized the Deputy City Clerk, who discussed the public notices for the item.
Chairperson Councilor Russell discussed the sidewalk extension with the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works and Parks.
Chairperson Councilor Russell moved to recommend the item be approved.
Recommend Approval | |
7. | Abatement - Street Assessment Petition | |
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| | | 7a. | Lena Riccardi request abatement of street assessment #25813, in the amount of $18,381.60 for Delmont Ave.
# 8c CC April 11, 2023 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Russell read the item and recognized the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works and Parks, who spoke concerning the item.
Chairperson Councilor Russell moved to recommend the item be approved.
Recommend Approval | |
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| | | 8a. | Jimmy Georges request removal of street light in front of the driveway at 204 Dana Ave.
# 8b CC April 11, 2023 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Russell read the item and recognized the Commissioner of Public Works and Parks, who discussed the costs for the project.
Chairperson Councilor Russell recognized the following speaker: 1. Jimmy Georges, spoke neither in favor nor opposed to the item
Chairperson Councilor Russell recognized the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works and Parks, who discussed relocation of the streetlight.
Chairperson Council Russell recognized the Deputy City Clerk, who discussed the procedural motion relative to amending the petition.
Chairperson Councilor Russell moved to recommend the item be approved as amended to relocate the streetlight in front of the driveway at 204 Dana Ave., at the petitioner’s expense and under a Department of Public Works permit.
Recommend Approval as amended to relocate the streetlight in front of the driveway at 204 Dana Ave., at the petitioner’s expense and under a Department of Public Works permit. | |
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| | | 9a. | Petition of Stephen Campbell request extension of water main on Kenwood Ave.
# 8e CC March 28, 2023 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Russell read the item and recognized the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works and Parks, who spoke concerning the item.
Chairperson Councilor Russell moved to recommend the item be approved.
Recommend Approval | |
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| | | 9b. | Petition of Anthony Maina request extension of the water and sewer lines along the Salisbury St. and Newton North Ave. intersection towards 364 Salisbury St.
# 8l CC September 20, 2022 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Russell read the item and moved to recommend the petitioner be given leave to withdraw.
Recommend Leave to Withdraw | |
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| | | 9c. | Petition of Joe Robinson request installation of storm drain in front of the driveway at 87 Henshaw St.
# 8k CC September 20, 2022 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Russell read the item and recognized the following speaker: 1. Joe Robinson, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of the item
Chairperson Councilor Russell recognized the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works and Parks, who provided the recommendation to deny, as the catch basin will be restricted by the pipes downstream and will not be effective at preventing flooding.
Chairperson Councilor Russell brought forth the following Chairman’s Order: Request City Manager request Commissioner of Public Works and Parks work with the owner of 87 Henshaw St. to determine the best solutions to address issues relative to water drainage on Henshaw St.
Chairperson Councilor Russell moved to recommend the item be held.
Recommend Hold | | | | | | | | Chairman's Orders | | | | Request City Manager request Commissioner of Public Works and Parks work with the owner of 87 Henshaw St. to determine the best solutions to address issues relative to water drainage on Henshaw St. | |
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| | | 9d. | Order of Councilor Etel Haxhiaj - Request City Manager work with the appropriate representative from National Grid to provide City Council with a report relative to the outage on February 1, 2023 that affected the areas of Beaver Brook Park, Mayfield St. and Park Avenue. Said report should include a summary of National Grid protocols for dealing with emergency power outages, their communication plans to residents, businesses and City officials, and how they plan to handle future emergencies.
# 12h CC February 14, 2023 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Russell read the item and moved to recommend the item be placed on file.
Recommend File | |
10. | Honorary Street Petitions Discussion | |
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| | | 10a. | Order of Councilor George J. Russell – Request Standing Committee on Public Works and Parks meet with the Commissioner of Public Works and Parks and City Solicitor to discuss a policy relative to honorary street naming petitions.
# 17a CC May 23, 2023 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Russell read the item and recognized the City Solicitor, who discussed the process to amend the ordinance to introduce a new policy relative to honorary street naming.
Chairperson Councilor Russell then discussed the creation of honorary street naming program and set limitations to said program with the City Solicitor and Commissioner of Public Works and Parks.
Chairperson Councilor Russell recognized Councilor Bergman, who discussed providing information to residents concerning the honorary street naming program with the Commissioner of Public Works and Parks.
Chairperson Councilor Russell recognized Councilor Mero-Carlson, who discussed the information included on the honorary street name petition form with the Commissioner of Public Works and Parks.
Chairperson Councilor Russell recognized the Deputy City Clerk, who discussed the process for submission of the honorary street name petition with Councilor Mero-Carlson.
Chairperson Councilor Russell then discussed setting limitations to who can be nominated for the honorary street naming program and the ordinance language of said program with Councilor Bergman and Councilor Mero-Carlson.
Chairperson Councilor Russell recognized the City Solicitor, who discussed the needs to amend the ordinance to change the program policies and whether there are limitations to who can submit the petition.
Chairperson Councilor Russell moved to recommend the item be held.
Recommend Hold | |
11. | Communication of the City Manager | |
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| | | 11a. | Transmitting informational communication relative to the FY24 water and sewer rate recommendation.
# 10.6A CM May 9, 2023 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Russell read the item and recognized the Commissioner of Public Works and Parks, who discussed the water and sewer rates for FY24.
Chairperson Councilor Russell recognized Councilor Bergman and Councilor Mero-Carlson, who both discussed keeping the sewer and water rates as low as possible.
Chairperson Councilor Russell recognized the Commissioner of Public Works and Parks, who discussed reasons relative to spikes in the bill and available programs to assist people with the costs.
Chairperson Councilor Russell recognized Councilor Bergman, who discussed sending notifications to residents for water readings that are higher than 10% with the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works and Parks.
Chairperson Councilor Russell brought forth the following Chairman’s Order: Request City Manager consider using available free cash at the end of the fiscal year to abate water and sewer rates for Worcester residents.
Chairperson Councilor Russell moved to recommend the item be approved.
Recommend Approval | | | | | | | | Chairman's Orders | | | | Request City Manager consider using available free cash at the end of the fiscal year to abate water and sewer rates for Worcester residents. | |