Public Health and Human Services Committee Meeting

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Levi Lincoln (North) Chamber

Convened: 5:07 P.M.

Adjourned: 7:09 P.M.

Joseph M. Petty


Clerk of the City Council
Nikolin Vangjeli

Committee Members

Chairperson Luis A Ojeda
Vice Chairperson Etel Haxhiaj
Councilor Candy Mero-Carlson

City Hall - 455 Main Street Worcester, Massachusetts

Present Were:Chairperson Councilor Luis A. Ojeda Councilor Etel Haxhiaj, who participated in the meeting remotely Councilor Candy Mero-Carlson
Also:Commissioner of Health and Human Services Matilde Castiel, MD Executive Director of Friendly House Trish Appert CEO of Central Massachusetts Housing Alliance Leah Bradley Data Quality Coordinator of Central Massachusetts Housing Alliance Jack Moran Deputy City Clerk Stephen AJ Pottle, clerk

Virtual Attendee Call-In Information


Pursuant to Chapter 20 of the Acts of 2021 and in order to ensure active, public engagement, the City of Worcester currently allows for both in-person and remote participation at all City Council and Standing Committee meetings. To partake in the meeting, you may attend the meeting in-person within the meeting location, follow the below link to join via Zoom or dial the direct line as indicated. If you join a Zoom meeting by dialing in with a phone number, you can raise your hand by dialing *9.

Public Health and Human Services Committee Zoom Link:
Public Health and Human Services Committee Zoom Phone Number: +1 646 828 7666
Public Health and Human Services Committee Zoom Access Code: 160 015 8172


Approval of the Minutes


Order- That the City Council Standing Committee of Public Health and Human Services hereby approves the minutes of the Public Health and Human Services Committee meeting on July 29, 2024.

View Agenda

Chairperson Councilor Ojeda read the item and moved for a roll call vote to adopt the item. Order adopted on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays


Miscellaneous Items


Order of Councilor Etel Haxhiaj – Request Standing Committee on Public Health and Human Services hold a meeting with leaders from the Central Massachusetts Housing Alliance (CMHA), Catholic Charities, and other entities that provide non-Emergency Assistance (EA) shelter to homeless individuals to discuss their plans and preparations around persons potentially being kicked out of housing due to restrictions around the family shelter system. # 21f CC November 26, 2024


Chairperson Councilor Ojeda read the item and recognized Councilor Haxhiaj, who spoke concerning new shelter restrictions, possible outcomes due to shelter restrictions, and how the city can support organizations that provide non-Emergency Assistance (EA) shelter to homeless individuals with the CEO of Central Massachusetts Housing Alliance (CMHA).

Chairperson Councilor Ojeda spoke concerning the Rapid Shelter Track and the Bridge Shelter Track with the CEO of CMHA.

Chairperson Councilor Ojeda then recognized the CEO of CMHA, who discussed concerns related to individuals experiencing homelessness accessing housing within six (6) months, the process relative for individuals to re-apply for EA shelter, challenges related to families with school age children who experience homelessness, and the process relative for CMHA to apply for HOME-ARP funds.

Chairperson Councilor Ojeda recognized the Executive Director of Friendly House, who discussed concerns related to an increase of individuals who may report living in their car as the weather warms, and the process relative to EA shelters approving priority applicants.

Chairperson Councilor Ojeda recognized Councilor Haxhiaj, who discussed ARPA funds allocated to Friendly House for individuals who cannot stay in shelters but can access hotels/motels with the Executive Director of Friendly House and CEO of CMHA.

Chairperson Councilor Ojeda discussed challenges relating to individuals who do not wish to stay in shelters relative to the weather warming with the Executive Director of Friendly House.

Chairperson Councilor then discussed the process relative to establishing a women’s shelter and differences between family shelter system and individual shelter system with the Commissioner of Health and Human Services, Executive Director of Friendly House, and CEO of CMHA.

Chairperson Councilor Ojeda recognized Councilor Mero-Carlson, who spoke concerning the new women’s shelter capacity and the duration of operations with the Commissioner of Health and Human Services.

Chairperson Councilor Ojeda discussed the temporary operations related to the new women’s shelter, the feasibility of opening spaces for women experiencing homelessness to sleep, resources available through the Safe Exit Initiative, and the process relative to establish diverse shelters with the Commissioner of Health and Human Services and Executive Director of Friendly House.

Chairperson Councilor Ojeda recognized Councilor Haxhaij, who discussed concerns related to the Federal Government revoking Temporary Protected Status (TPS), how unhoused TPS families will be affected, and what to expect moving forward with the CEO of CMHA.

Councilor Haxhiaj then spoke concerning best practices by the city relative to a response related to supporting TPS individuals who may be displaced from shelters due to their TPS status and are hiding from the Federal Government with the Commissioner of Health and Human Services.

Chairperson Councilor Ojeda brought forth the following Chairman’s Order: “Request City Manager request Commissioner of Health and Human Services work with Commissioner of Inspectional Services to understand what Inspectional Services’ policies are relative to home inspections when encountering doubled up families.”

Chairperson Councilor Ojeda recognized Councilor Haxhiaj, who moved to recommend the item be held.

Chairperson Councilor Ojeda brought forth the following Chairman’s Order: “Request City Manager request Commissioner of Inspectional Services provide City Council with a report detailing strategies related to how residents are made to feel comfortable and safe during home inspections.”

Chairperson Councilor Ojeda recognized Councilor Mero-Carlson, who spoke concerning the process relative for Inspectional Services to access dwelling units.

Chairperson Councilor Ojeda brought forth the following Chairman’s Order: “Request City Manager publish information pertaining to tenant rights relative to home inspections on the city’s website.”

Chairperson Councilor Ojeda moved for a roll call vote to recommend the item be held.

Recommend Hold on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays

Chairman's Orders

Request City Manager request Commissioner of Health and Human Services work with Commissioner of Inspectional Services to understand what Inspectional Services’ policies are relative to home inspections when encountering doubled up families.

Request City Manager request Commissioner of Inspectional Services provide City Council with a report detailing strategies related to how residents are made to feel comfortable and safe during home inspections.

Request City Manager publish information pertaining to tenant rights relative to home inspections on the city’s website.


Chairman's Order from the Committee on Public Health and Human Services - Request Standing Committee on Public Health and Human Services hold a discussion with representatives from the city’s zoning taskforce and community stakeholders relative to preventative strategies around evictions as it relates to homelessness in the city. # 11b CC August 27, 2024


Chairperson Councilor Ojeda read the item and moved for a roll call vote to recommend the item be held.

Recommend Hold on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays


Order of Councilor Etel Haxhiaj - Request Standing Committee on Public Health and Human Services invite representatives from the Central West Justice Center and Central Massachusetts Housing Alliance (CMHA) to discuss the status of evictions in the city. Said discussion should include information concerning legal representation and rental assistance resources available to residents facing evictions. # 11c CC May 28, 2024


Chairperson Councilor Ojeda read the item and recognized Councilor Haxhiaj, who spoke concerning different reasons for evictions in the city, available funding for residents who need legal representation, and current resources available aside the Residential Assistance for Families in Transition (RAFT) program with the CEO of CMHA.

Chairperson Councilor Ojeda recognized the Data Quality Coordinator of CMHA, who provided an overview of Worcester Housing Court data collected in the most recent six (6) months relative to eviction cases and the number of eviction filings per month compared to the previous year.

Chairperson Councilor Ojeda then discussed the city’s housing stock, issues related to high rent prices, the process relative to informing residence experiencing eviction about the RAFT program, the process relative after a landlord file an eviction, and best practices to foresee evictions with the CEO of CMHA and Commissioner of Health and Human Services.

Chairperson Councilor Ojeda brought forth the following four (4) Chairman’s Orders: “1. Request City Manager request Commissioner of Health and Human Services work with representatives from Central Massachusetts Housing Alliance (CMHA) to hold a public forum to discuss tenant rights relative to homelessness and evictions; 2. Request City Manager request Commissioner of Health and Human Services work with representatives from Central Massachusetts Housing Alliance (CMHA) and Friendly House to establish a pilot program relative to the Access to Counsel Program, specific to the City of Worcester; 3. Request City Manager request representatives from Central Massachusetts Housing Alliance (CMHA) provide City Council with a report detailing aggregate data from the last year relating to ethnic and racial backgrounds of Residential Assistance for Families in Transition (RAFT) program applicants. Further, said report should include data specific to each zip code; 4. Request City Manager provide City Council with a report detailing the top five (5) landlords who report the most evictions in the city.”

Chairperson Councilor Ojeda moved for a roll call vote to recommend the item be held.

Recommend Hold on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays

Chairman's Orders

Request City Manager request Commissioner of Health and Human Services work with representatives from Central Massachusetts Housing Alliance (CMHA) to hold a public forum to discuss tenant rights relative to homelessness and evictions.

Request City Manager request Commissioner of Health and Human Services work with representatives from Central Massachusetts Housing Alliance (CMHA) and Friendly House to establish a pilot program relative to the Access to Counsel Program, specific to the City of Worcester.

Request City Manager request representatives from Central Massachusetts Housing Alliance (CMHA) provide City Council with a report detailing aggregate data from the last year relating to ethnic and racial backgrounds of Residential Assistance for Families in Transition (RAFT) program applicants. Further, said report should include data specific to each zip code.

Request City Manager provide City Council with a report detailing the top five (5) landlords who report the most evictions in the city.


Communications of the City Manager


Transmitting informational communication on the status of chronically homeless and unsheltered. # 10i CC June 25, 2024


Chairperson Councilor Ojeda read the item and recognized the Commissioner of Health and Human Services who discussed a decrease relative to the homeless population in the city since last year and the process relative to converting the Quality Inn Hotel into permanent supportive housing.

Chairperson Councilor Ojeda recognized Councilor Mero-Carlson, who spoke concerning the timeline related to completing the Quality Inn Hotel project.

Chairperson Councilor Ojeda brought forth the following Chairman’s Order: “Request City Manager request Commissioner of Health and Human Services provide City Council with a report detailing the status and projected timelines associated with constructing modular tiny homes on Stafford St.”

Chairperson Councilor Ojeda moved for a roll call vote to recommend the item be placed on file.

Recommend File on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays

Chairman's Orders

Request City Manager request Commissioner of Health and Human Services provide City Council with a report detailing the status and projected timelines associated with constructing modular tiny homes on Stafford St.


Transmitting informational communication on five year homeless strategic plan. # 10j CC June 25, 2024

In Committee July 29, 2024 - Held


Chairperson Councilor Ojeda read the item and recognized the Commissioner of Health and Human Services, who discussed the importance related to regularly updating data collected from the Department of Health and Human Services, efforts related to working with Inspectional Services relative to evaluating housing as permanent supportive housing or non-permanent supportive housing, the process relative to providing support to stabilize individuals, evaluating the city’s zoning laws relative to accommodating housing, an increase in homelessness relative to the elderly population in the city, and Meryl’s Safe Haven program relative to youth transitioning out of foster care.

Chairperson Councilor Ojeda recognized Councilor Haxhiaj, who spoke concerning possible healthcare services available to individuals who are unhoused who may lose Medicaid services after Federal funding cuts with the Commissioner of Health and Human Services.

Councilor Haxhiaj then spoke concerning an update relative to Central Massachusetts Housing Alliance’s efforts with the city to convert vacant properties into a day center and an inventory of vacant properties or vacant lots in the city with the CEO of CMHA and Commissioner of Health and Human Services.

Chairperson Councilor Ojeda brought forth the following Chairman’s Order: “Request City Manager provide City Council with a report detailing any unused or underused parking and vacant lots in the city; specifically for the purpose of establishing permanent supportive housing and deeply affordable housing.”

Chairperson Councilor Ojeda recognized Councilor Haxhiaj and Councilor Mero-Carlson, who discussed the timeline associated with the zoning law reform relative to the city’s Long-range Plan.

Chairperson Councilor Ojeda recognized Councilor Haxhiaj, who discussed best practices relative to navigating zoning challenges with the CEO of CMHA and Data Quality Coordinator of CMHA.

Chairperson Councilor Ojeda brought forth the following Chairman’s Order: “Request City Manager provide City Council with a report concerning the City of Cambridge’s Affordable Housing Zoning Overlay (AHO) relative to allowing increased, double density zoning.”

Chairperson Councilor Ojeda spoke concerning the process relative to double-density zoning relating to affordable housing with the Data Quality Coordinator of CMHA.

Chairperson Councilor Ojeda brought forth the following Chairman’s Order: “Request City Manager request Chief Development Officer provide City Council with report detailing the timeline associated and staffing needed relative to the Long-range Plan zoning reform be completed in a year.”

Chairperson Councilor Ojeda moved to recommend the item be held.

Chairperson Councilor Ojeda moved for a roll call vote to recommend the item be held.

Recommend Hold on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays

Chairman's Orders

Request City Manager provide City Council with a report detailing any unused or underused parking and vacant lots in the city; specifically for the purpose of establishing permanent supportive housing and deeply affordable housing.

Request City Manager provide City Council with a report concerning the City of Cambridge’s Affordable Housing Zoning Overlay (AHO) relative to allowing increased, double density zoning.

Request City Manager request Chief Development Officer provide City Council with report detailing the timeline associated and staffing needed relative to the Long-range Plan zoning reform be completed in a year.